Chapter 109 - "what have I done?"

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Lyra wakes in Jaime's arms, she's feeling a bit sick, not knowing why. She detangles herself from the sleeping Jaime's arms.
"Send for the maester, I require him", Lyra says to one of the servants rushing by outside the master's chambers.
"Yes, lady Lannister", a servant girl says, going to find maester Craylen for her mistress.

The servant girl knocks on the maester's door.
"Maester, maester", the servant girl says, knocking on the door.
"What is it, my child?" Maester Craylen asks.
"Lady Lyra requires your services, maester", the servant girl says.
"I'll go see to her at once", maester Craylen says, going to the master's rooms, carefully knocking on the door and silently calling for lady Lyra not to wake Jaime. "Lady Lyra, you wished to see me."
"Come in, maester", Lyra says.

Maester Craylen walks in carefully and silently not to wake Jaime.
"What can I do for you, m'lady?" Maester Craylen says silently.
"My stomach hurts, maester", Lyra says silently.
"When did you last bleed, m'lady, if I may be so bold?" maester Craylen asks silently.
"Two moons, maester", Lyra says silently.
"And when did you last have your lord husband? In the manner of a husband and wife?" maester Craylen asks silently.
"Last night, he let his seed inside me", Lyra says silently.
"You were with child, m'lady", maester Craylen says silently.
"What do you mean, I 'was with child'?" Lyra says silently.
"The child is dead, m'lady, I'm so very sorry", maester Craylen says silently as he is examining Lyra as silently as possible not to wake Jaime.
"What have I done..."Lyra gasps silently.
"How could you have known? When you've only now started having symptoms of being with child?" maester Craylen says lightly in a low voice.
"How can I rid myself of it without my lord husband knowing about this? He would be devastated", Lyra says silently.
"Moon tea, m'lady, I can make it for you in a way so it will be effective and so it looks like you are just drinking wine or ale", maester Craylen says silently.
"How often should I drink it? It's been so long since I've had to use it so I've forgotten how often I need to drink it", Lyra says silently.
"Half a cup, twice a day for ten days, and like I said, I can make it look like it's a special kind of ale from the north, and I can make it look like it comes from your lord father", maester Craylen says silently.
"Thank you, maester", Lyra says silently.
"Don't worry, it will be fine, and if lord Lannister is wondering why you don't wish to lay with him, just tell him you're on your monthly course, he will understand, he's a good man and won't force himself on you if you tell him no", maester Craylen says silently.
"I know, maester, my lord husband is a very good man and he will understand and won't force himself on me or force me to do something I don't want to do", Lyra says silently.
"Go back to the bed and lay back in your lord husband's arms, I'll have the tea for you in the morning, I'll hand it to you while you are breaking the fast, as I trust you will be sitting with your lord husband, your heir and your household, I will say it's for your cough", maester Craylen says.
"Thank you, maester, I'll see you in the morning", Lyra says, faking a hacking cough as she goes to lay back down in the bed, getting comfortable in Jaime's arms.

The next morning, maester Craylen hands Lyra a large glass vial while the family is breaking the fast.
"For your cough, a recipe sent from maester Luwin at Winterfell, he mentioned he's made this for you or someone else in your family whenever they've had a cough, m'lady", maester Craylen says. "Half a cup, twice a day for ten days and your cough should clear up, Luwin writes to remind you that it can make you nauseous and that it might mess with your sex drive while you are taking this medication, because it can make you nauseous."
"Oh, yes, that's right, send old maester Luwin my best regards when you next speak to him", Lyra says. "Well, I'm sure me and my lord husband can keep away from each other while I'm taking this medication."
"It's just ten days, my love, we can handle staying away from each other while you are taking your medication", Jaime says lightly.
"Thank you, beloved", Lyra says.
"Always, my love", Jaime says.

Ten days later, Lyra is being examined by maester Craylen while Jaime and their two sons are in the training yard with Bronn.
"How am I doing, maester?" Lyra asks.
"The stillborn fetus has been removed from your womb, you have healed nicely, but I would recommend that you wait at least two more days until you let your lord husband have his way with you", maester Craylen says lightly.
"Then I will do so, maester", Lyra says.

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