Chapter 167 - "thank you, uncle"

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"Thank you, uncle", Daemon says under his breath and lays a hand on the ring given to him from Tyrion.
"Yeah, your uncle really saved us the massive headache of going to war with house Targaryen", Bronn says.
"He really did", Jaime says. "And I'm really thankful to have a brother with such good diplomatic skills as Tyrion has, he really have great diplomatic skills, my dear brother, father used to say that out of his children, Tyrion got the brains, I got the muscles and beauty and our sister Cersei got beauty as well father's cunning nature."
"A war with house Targaryen could have been a costly, lengthy affair, and with your mother possibly being with child again, she and the Stark army likely would not be joining us, since your grandfather wouldn't lend your father or me soldiers but he would of course give up part of his army to his daughter and heir", Bronn says to Daemon.
"How do you know that Lyra is possibly with child again?" Jaime asks his captain with a raised eyebrow.
"My lady wife is one of lady Lyra's handmaidens and she slipped up to me about her speaking to maester Craylen about an examination he had done on her a few days ago", Bronn says.
"Oh yes, I forgot that your lady wife is one of my own lady wife's handmaidens", Jaime says.
"Maester Craylen warned your wife that it would be dangerous for her to continue this pregnancy, while mine own lady wife was at lady Lyra's side, alongside your daughter, lady Jariella," Bronn says. "Lady Lyra was given the same warnings as you were given, to be careful not to make her with child again, that a new childbirth could be her death."
"Maester Craylen said that there was still time to terminate the pregnancy safely with moon tea when Lyra came to him with the suspicions that she was possibly pregnant, a couple days ago", Jaime says. "He said that Lyra should talk it over with me first, she did while we were laying in our bed last night and I said that she has to do what is best for herself and our family and we agreed that a termination of the pregnancy is what would be best for her, and us."
"I noticed that lady Lyra was served moon tea while we were all breaking the fast together", Bronn says.
"At my insistence, she never knew", Jaime says.
"As soon as she found out she was pregnant, she decided to possibly terminate it, for her own safety, and for you and your children, before speaking to you, so the thought was already planted in her," Bronn says.
"I actually asked maester Craylen to sneak her moon tea, to protect and save her from my lust for her, maester Craylen told me that a simple procedure could be done on me to make me unable to make her pregnant", Jaime says.
"Not the procedure that's done on stallions or eunuchs, right?" Bronn asks, glancing downward towards the other man's linen covered manhood and involuntarily covering his own manhood with his hands.
"Turning me in to a gelding? Or hells, no, I'll have all my body parts intact, but I asked if he would be willing to do the procedure on me, it involves him going in and cutting some cords, while I'm under the influence of milk of the poppy or dream wine, so I'll have all my body parts, but I won't be able to make her pregnant again", Jaime says.
"Good, you're a good man, being willing to do that for her, for your family", Bronn says.
"I don't want to lose my wife and mother of my children by possibly making her with child again, so of course", Jaime says. "I'm doing what I can for her, and for our children, so that I get to keep my wife and my children get to keep their mother, and she gets to keep me as her lover whenever she wants, without the risk of getting pregnant."
"So you will still be able to have her? Like a man has a woman?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, I'll still be able to have her like a man has a woman, like a husband has a wife", Jaime says.
"Good, she will surely appreciate that, that she will be allowed to have you in her bed, that she will be able to have you as husband and wife", Bronn says.

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