Chapter 46 - Tywin

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Tywin sits with the septa having a discussion about Cersei and her attempts at trying to bed her brother.
"Cersei has tried to bed Jaime since they were young and living at Casterly Rock together with the family", Tywin says.
"I see, and lord Jaime?" The septa asks.
"He never went for it, ever, he always turned her down, turned her away", Tywin says. "My other son, Tyrion offered that she could bed him instead, the laughter from Jaime when he was told of it, was hysterical, Cersei was offended to say the least."
"Is it true that her reasoning was that house Targaryen did it for centuries without anyone seeing anything wrong in it, therefore it should be okay for house Lannister, for her, to bed Jaime?" the septa asks.
"Indeed, that was her reasoning, the dragons coupled with each other for centuries so why couldn't it be alright for the lions do the same, but she hadn't put in to consideration that perhaps Jaime wouldn't be as excited about the idea as she was", Tywin says. "He wanted nothing to do with her, especially not in that way."
"I understand him, she is his sister after all", the septa says.
"Yes, he absolutely refused to let her even touch him", Tywin says. "He never wanted her to touch him, he saved himself for his lady wife."
"So his wife was his first lover?" the septa asks.
"Yes, his wife was his first lover", Tywin says. "He wanted no other lover than her."
"Did lady Lyra have Jaime before she tortured him? Do you know?" the septa asks.
"No, lady Lyra had Jaime after she'd tortured him, and well, during the torture, her father told me", Tywin says. "She opened his eyes to a lot of things."
"You don't see it as something bad, m'lord? That he went for a wolf when he could have had any woman in the seven kingdoms?" the septa asks.
"Not at all, I always told Jaime to go after what he wanted and I know lord Stark told his young Lyra the same", Tywin says lightly. "And they wanted each other so it was inevitable, it had to be them."
"Does lord Stark know about Cersei too?" the septa asks.
"Yes, lord Benjen was told by Lyra about Cersei and then Lyra and Jaime together told her uncle, lord Eddard about Cersei and her tricks", Tywin says.

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