Chapter 60 - the lion prince's first armor

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After the horses are tended to, Jaime brings Daemon with him to the armorer.
"Lord Lannister, good day, sir, and the little lord Daemon, good day, my young lord", Casterly Rock's armorer Martyn Brown says.
"Good day, Martyn", Jaime says.
"What can I do for you, m'lord?" Martyn asks.
"Young Daemon here needs an armor", Jaime says.
"Of course, would you like me to make a sword for the young lord as well?" Martyn asks.
"Yes please", Jaime says. "Similar to mine, but less heavy, and with our family crest on the hilt, the dire wolf of his mother's house and the lion of mine."
"Yes, any suggestions on how you want the armor to look? And any suggestions for the sword?" Martyn asks.
"Rubies for the lion, perhaps, and perhaps some aquamarines for the dire wolf", Jaime says.
"Yes, that can be done", Martyn says, turning to Daemon with some measuring tools. "I need to take your measurements, my young lord, to make sure I get it all perfect for you."
"Okay", Daemon says, stepping forward to let the tall broad armorer take his measurements.

Martyn, being about as tall as Jaime, gets down on his knees, measures Deamon's height, the length of his arms and legs, the width of his chest and looks up at the boy's lord father.
"Helmet as well, m'lord?" Martyn asks.
"Of course, otherwise the armor would be incomplete", Jaime says.
"Of course, how thoughtless of me, any specifics for the armor?" Martyn asks.
"Could you make me two helmets?" Daemon asks. "I would like one that's like father's helmet, with a lion's head and one with a direwolf's head, since my mother is of house Stark."
"Yes indeed, I can make that for you, my young lord", Martyn says.
"Thank you, Martyn", Daemon says.
"It's my pleasure to serve you, my young lord of Lannister and Stark", Martyn says.
"How soon can it all be done?" Jaime asks.
"How soon would you like everything to be done, m'lord?" Martyn asks.
"I would like it to done by my son's next name day", Jaime says. "It's five months away, I came to you long in advance to make sure you had lots of time to work your magic to give my son the best possible armor."
"Five months should be enough time, m'lord", Martyn says.
"Thank you, Martyn, I will send for the captain of the household guard to look in on the progress in a few weeks, come on Daemon", Jaime says, leaving the armorer with his son by his side when he sees Bronn come rushing. "Bronn? What's happening, why are you running? Are Lyra and the other children alright?"
"Guests to see you, my lord", Bronn says, catching his breath after his sprint.
"Guests? Who?" Jaime asks.
"Your father, and a few of house Lannister's banner men", Bronn says.
"Where are they?" Jaime asks. "Come on, Daemon, your next lord lesson, you're gonna sit in with me during my meeting with your grandfather and whoever else is here, you sit in to listen and learn."
"Yes, father", Daemon says.
"Great hall", Bronn says, in answer to Jaime's question.
"Okay then", Jaime says, walking in to the castle with his son beside him and Bronn walking swiftly behind them. "My lords and ladies, please be seated, but first tell me, what is the meaning of this? What in all seven hells could possibly be so important that you have the captain of my household guard come running to find me like the castle was on fire while I'm at the armorer with my son to have him fitted for his first armor?"
"Jaime, my son, I didn't want to have to come to you with the tidings I bring you, but I had no other choice", Tywin says. "Your sister, even though she is a sworn sister of the faith now, is stirring up trouble."
"Enough trouble for you to bring an army to my doorstep instead of sending a raven, father?" Jaime asks. "What has that woman done now? She hasn't killed the royal couple, has she?"
"She attempted to poison the queen, your lady wife's sister", Tywin says.
"Tell me that you're joking, father", Jaime says. "Tell me my sister is not such a fool, to attempt to kill the queen, just because king Rhegar picked my wife's sister."
"Your brother is the king's new hand, instead of me, at my suggestion actually, I thought it was a good idea, since your brother is a dear friend to both your lady wife and the royal couple", Tywin says. "He was seated next to her grace the queen when the servants brought the royal family some food, he sniffed her cup of wine and had it sent to her food taster to try, to make sure it was safe for her before the queen had a chance to even take a small drink of it."
"And what did Tyrion smell?" Jaime asks.
"Wolfsbane", Tywin says.
"Wolfsbane to try to kill a wolf, how poetic of her, my sweet viper of a sister", Jaime says sarcastically. "Is her grace the queen alright or will I have to bring my wife and other children sad tidings?"
"The queen is well, thank the gods, your sister is in the dungeons of the Red Keep, the queen's food taster is dead though, the poor man, he died almost instantly after taking a drink of the wine", Tywin says. "There will very likely be a trial, I don't know what the outcome will be, perhaps king Rhaegar will show your sister mercy and sentence her to atone for her sins and to have to stay with the sisters of the faith."
"That hateful woman doesn't deserve mercy, I don't care that she's my sister, she's tried killing my wife and my firstborn here by my side, while he was still in his mother's womb and now she's attempted to kill the queen, simply because she's my wife's sister", Jaime says with anger.
"I agree, but I will push for a public walk of atonement and life long imprisonment with the sisters of the faith", Tywin says. "I have to go, I need to ride back to King's Landing, send my love and well wishes to your wife and other two children."

Jaime gets up and nods to Daemon to do the same. They both say their farewells to lord Tywin before he and the other men leave Casterly Rock.
"What did you learn?" Jaime asks his son.
"That a lord sometimes has to make difficult decisions, that he sometimes has to make them to do what is best to serve the realm and the king, even though it might not be the decision he would have liked to make", Daemon says.
"That's right", Jaime says.

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