Chapter 27 - Edmure

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Edmure Tully, brother of Lyra's aunt by marriage, Catelyn, is sitting in great hall at Riverrun as he is brought the letter from King's Landing.
"The king and queen wishes to see lord Edmure of house Tully in King's Landing, within a fortnight, to discuss the betrothal between Edmure Tully, the lord of Riverrun, and princess Rhaenys of house Targaryen, when she comes of age.

The king and queen would like to see the lord Tully and his company at King's Landing within a moon's turn.

Tywin Lannister, hand of the king"

"Tywin Lannister, the king's hand and father in law to my sister's niece by marriage, lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark, writes me to propose marriage between me and the princess Rhaenys when she comes of age", Edmure says.
"The princess Rhaenys is 14 and flowered, so she is a woman grown, but I guess the lord Tywin has forgotten that girls are considered women and ready to wed and bed after their first flowering", lord Hoster Tully says. "So lord Tywin should have just written to propose marriage between you and the princess right away."
"I will write him back and say that I accept this proposal and ask how soon they wish us to marry", Edmure says.
"Good, write to lord Tywin and tell him that lord Edmure accepts the proposal and ask the lord hand how soon wishes to have my son come to King's Landing to marry the princess Rhaenys", lord Hoster Tully tells the maester standing by his chair.
"Yes, m'lord", the maester says, starting to write the letter to lord Tywin Lannister.

When the letter is done, the maester excuses himself to send it off to lord Tywin in King's Landing.
"Will you really allow Lysa to marry Littlefinger, father?" Edmure asks.
"What do take me for? A fool? There's no way I will let her marry him, but she can keep him as a toy if she wishes, your sister will be shipped off to the Dreadfort, to a Bolton", lord Hoster says.
"Which one? Not...not Ramsay?" Edmure asks.
"Ramsay is 4 months old and bastard born, of course not Ramsay, Roose, his father, he's a widower, after his last wife passed along with his trueborn child, and needs a new wife", lord Hoster says.
"A wise choice, father, and under what stone did you bury Littlefinger?" Edmure asks.
"I sent young Petyr to King's Landing, to serve the king, if the gods are good, the dragon king will roast him in the dragon pit", lord Hoster says.
"That's a bit rough, father, but I'm sure it would be good for him, to be taught his proper place", Edmure says.
"Indeed, he definitely needs to be taught his proper place, not to try to bed someone as highborn as your sister", lord Hoster says. "And I'm sure the dragon king will see to that."
"I'm sure that he will, the dragon king is good at making sure that his subjects know their proper place", Edmure says.
"That he is indeed", lord Hoster says, chuckling at his son's jest.

A couple weeks later.

At King's Landing, the king, Aerys Targaryen, sits in his rooms when he's brought a letter.
"Your grace, your guests from Riverrun are here", maester Pycelle says. "And this came for you."
"Show them in, maester", king Aerys says.
"Yes, your grace", maester Pycelle says.

Maester Pycelle shows the lords of house Tully in to the room, lord Hoster and lord Edmure walk in to the room and fall to one knee in front of the king.
"Get my daughter, the princess Rhaenys, tell her that her betrothed, lord Edmure of house Tully, is here, that he is here to wed her", king Aerys says and the servants goes to get the princess and bring her to him. "Raise, my lords."

The wedding between princess Rhaenys of house Targaryen and lord Edmure of house Tully takes place the next day, the whole arrangement taking place with just a few guests.

The wedding night takes place in the princess's own rooms, Edmure is gentle and sweet with his young bride and afterwards he holds her as she falls asleep after the gentle lovemaking. "Far more gentle than his sister's niece's husband was with her, I'm sure, he was probably very rough with her, that lord Jaime, he seems like he is a rough lover, the hand's son, a rough lover but a beautiful man, but my husband is more beautiful still" princess Rhaenys imagines as she lays in the strong safe arms of her sleeping husband in the big bed they now share.

The morning after the wedding, the maester, at Edmure's request, sends a raven to Riverrun to have all lord Edmure's things sent to him in King's Landing.

The things from Riverrun arrive three days later. Edmure's and the princess's servants have Edmure's things brought to their chambers.
"Lord Edmure, your things from Riverrun have arrived", a servant girl tells him as he sits in the great hall with the princess.
"Have my lord husband's things brought to our chambers", princess Rhaenys says.
"Yes, your grace", the servant girl says, bringing lord Edmure's things to his and princess Rhaenys's chambers.

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