Chapter 42 - nameday gifts

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On the morning of Lyra's 24th name day she is woken gently by Jaime, gently pressing his strong naked body against her. Lyra mumbles when she feels the coarse hair between his legs rubbing against her.
"Mm, Jaime, no, no sex, Jaime, stop", Lyra mumbles, turning around in his arms, pushing her face in to his hairy chest.
"Happy name day, my love", Jaime says, gently kissing Lyra's hair.
"Thank you, husband", Lyra mumbles, nuzzling his chest as she slowly wakes up.
"Let me make love to you, slow and gentle", Jaime says, gently pushing against her, moving her nightdress aside as he gently pushes his fingers in to her from behind, two in her warm wet pussy and one in her tight ass.
"No, Jaime, please, not there, not like this", Lyra sighs.
"Tell me how, tell me where", Jaime says gently against her neck.
"Gently, slowly, ease in to me, fill my pussy up slowly", Lyra says, relaxing in his arms, feeling him slowly and gently starting to fill her up.

Jaime moves slowly and gently inside Lyra and pulls out of her after a couple thrusts. He holds her to him for a bit before getting out of the bed.
"A bath, my love?" Jaime asks, getting naked up out of the bed, opening the door and calling out to a servant girl to bring hot water and oils for Lyra.

The servant girls bring hot water and scented oils for Lyra and Jaime dismisses the girls before helping his lady wife in to the tub and washing her gently. Jaime starts gently washing Lyra with a sponge after shampooing her hair.
"Bring out clothes for me and my lady wife", Jaime tells the chambermaids, easing his strong naked body in to the tub and lays down behind his wife.
"Yes, m'lord, what clothes would you and your lady wife like to wear today, m'lord?" the chambermaid asks.
"For lady Lyra, the deep pink dress and the silver belt I gave her on her last name day, light grey pants, white tunic, light grey jacket with silver inlays for me, and silk small clothes for both of us," Jaime says. "Put the clothes on our bed, and put out our jewelry that we gave each other on our wedding day, lay them out on lady Lyra's makeup table, and bring out our riding boots."
"Yes, m'lord", the servant girls says.
"And then go attend to our sons", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", the servant girls says, getting to work.

The servant girls get to work putting out clothes for Jaime and Lyra before excusing themselves to go attend to the lord and lady's sons. Jaime and Lyra have a bath together and then Jaime helps Lyra to dress and she then helps him to dress, finishing by wrapping the sword belt with his sword and daggers, around his slim hips.

When they are dressed and ready, they go to the great hall, where their sons and household wait for them.
"Happy name day, mother, you look very beautiful today", Daemon says, smiling at his mother.
"Thank you, sweetling", Lyra says, smiling back at her son.
"What would you like to eat, milady?" A servant girl asks.
"Fruit, cheese, the same meats as lord Daemon has been given, and wine", Lyra says.
"Right away, milady", the servant girl says.
"Where is our dear friend Bronn this morning? He usually joins us for our morning meal, but I haven't seen him all morning", Lyra says.
"I sent him to welcome some guests, my love", Jaime says.
"I see", Lyra says.
"He sent some hunters out before sunrise to hunt deer and rabbit for your name day feast, my love", Jaime says.
"That's sweet of him", Lyra says.
"Happy name day, milady", Bronn, walking in, dressed in his riding clothes with his weapons in the sword belt over his hips, says.
"Thank you, dear friend, sit and have a meal with us, where are our guests?" Lyra says.
"Your guests wished to rest after their long journey, m'lady, I arranged for food to be brought to them in the guest chambers", Bronn says, sitting down between Daemon and Gerion, removing his leather gloves, putting them in his belt before ripping off a chicken leg, a piece of bread, pours himself some ale, grabbing some bacon from a large plate, grabbing some fish from another plate.
"Thank you, send for them after we've had our meal", Jaime says.
"Yes, lord Lannister", Bronn says and Jaime looks at him with a raised eyebrow, used to hearing Bronn calling both him and Lyra by name and not by title, but then noticing that the family isn't alone in the great hall with their guard captain.
"I heard you and my lord husband have been picking out some new household guards, have you found anyone good? Speak freely", Lyra says.
"Yes, I think we might have found someone fitting, at least one so far, we will need two or three more", Bronn says. "Simon Royes is the name of the one we have picked out so far, an 18 year old, he has served as cupbearer for lord and lady Arryn but was sent to your ladyship's father and uncle at Winterfell when he showed himself worthy with sword and lance."
"I know of him, my younger sister apparently lusted after him, according to a letter from my uncle", Lyra says.
"I didn't know you'd had a letter from lord Eddard about the boy", Jaime says.
"I was brought a letter from my dear uncle Eddard yesterday while you were out in the training yard with our household guards and our sons", Lyra says. "He said he himself had found my 14 year old sister Daenerya with the young man in an empty stall in the Winterfell stables, that usually holds my father's favorite horse."
"I see", Jaime says. "Should we really reward the boy for dishonoring your sister in such a way?"
"I'm not so sure he is the only guilty party in this, my love", Lyra says.
"No?" Jaime asks.
"She is my sister after all, you don't really think you were my first, do you?" Lyra asks with a raised eyebrow.
"I wasn't?" Jaime asks.
"Well, you were the first man I actually bedded, but not the first man I messed around with", Lyra says.
"I see, so I was the first man you had inside you?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, the first, the last, the only one I want inside me", Lyra says.

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