Chapter 111 - the ice lion

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A couple days later, Jaime sits in his study with maester Craylen, Lyra, Daemon and Bronn.
"M'lords and lady of Lannister, there was a raven from lord Jaime's lord father in Lannisport", maester Craylen says.
"What news from my lord father?" Jaime asks.
"Lannisport is under attack, sire, your lord father writes asking your aid", maester Craylen says.
"And aid him we shall", Jaime says.
"M'lord and lady of Lannister, if you permit me to speak and share my opinion, I think it's time for your young Daemon to take his place beside you on the battlefield", Bronn says.
"Do you think he's ready, my friend?" Jaime asks.
"I do, I do, indeed", Bronn says. "I've seen him in training, both with you, his lady mother and with myself, he is his father's son."
"I think you're right, he is ready", Jaime says.
"Will there be a battle, father?" Daemon asks, overhearing the conversation between the two older men.
"I do believe that there will be a small battle, my son", Jaime says. "I shall have to go to Lannisport and aid your lord grandfather."
"Who will come with you, father?" Daemon asks.
"You, Bronn, your lady mother and half our forces will come with me to aid your lord grandfather at Lannisport, the good maester and the other half of our army will stay here and hold Casterly Rock for us while we are away", Jaime says, every inch a lord.
"What do you think...should Daemon serve as your squire?" Bronn asks.
"I think that's a good idea", Jaime says.
"I shall serve as lady Lyra's squire then", Bronn says.

Maester Craylen sends a raven to lord Tywin at Lannisport to tell him that Jaime will aid him alongside his lady wife, his firstborn son and half his forces.

The next morning, Jaime is awoken by a servant as he lays naked on his stomach in Lyra's arms, the wolf pelts over his ass, his stiff manhood against Lyra's stomach.
"Lord Jaime", the servant says.
"Enter", Jaime says, not waking Lyra.

The servant walks in, averting his eyes from his naked master, followed by maester Craylen.
"Pardon me, m'lord, m'lady, a raven from your lordship's father at Lannisport", the servant says, not looking at Jaime's naked body.
"What does lord Tywin say?" Lyra asks, waking up with an arm around her naked husband's slim waist.
"My lord father says that he needs our aid at Lannisport as soon as we possibly can, it is urgent, he says", Jaime says.
"Maester, have the captain sent to us," Lyra says, getting out of the bed, putting on a nightdress and a silk robe to cover herself.
"Yes, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says.

Jaime puts on his own silk robe and sits down at the table and pulls Lyra into his lap. He nuzzles her neck and moves his hand inside Lyra's night dress.
"Bring us fruit, cheese, bread, ale, chicken, fish and a flagon of wine", Lyra says to a servant girl.
"Yes, lady Lyra", the servant girl says, bringing two girls with her to the kitchens to get the food for Lyra and Jaime.

Just as the servant girls return with the food, Bronn walks in.
"You asked to see me, m'lord, m'lady", Bronn says.
"My lord father needs our aid at Lannisport", Jaime says.
"When are we going?" Bronn asks. "And who are going?"
"As soon as possible, and we will be going, you and me and Lyra and Daemon, and half of my army, the other half will stay here with maester Craylen to guard Casterly Rock for us", Jaime says.
"We will take back Lannisport, m'lord, don't you worry", Bronn says.
"Make preparations, we're leaving for Lannisport in two days time", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says.
"And send for our heir", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says.

Bronn gives a bow and goes to make preparations for their short journey to Lannisport and then goes to prepare Daemon for what's to come when they get to Lannisport.
"Daemon, your lady mother and lord father are preparing to go to aid your lord grandfather at Lannisport, I will join them, leading the army alongside your lord father, they require you as the heir, to join them, serving as your lord father's squire and I will serve as your lady mother's squire", Bronn says.
"How soon are we going and who will guard Casterly Rock while mother and father are away?" Daemon asks.
"To answer your first question, my young lord, we are leaving for Lannisport in two days time, and to answer your second question, half of the army aren't coming with us, they are staying here to guard Casterly Rock for their master, your lord father, the warden of the west and the lord and master of Casterly Rock, the good maester Craylen agreed to stay behind too", Bronn says.
"Where in the lines will I be?" Daemon asks.
"You will serve as your lord father's squire, so you will be at his side at the head of the army, I'm sure your father will place you in between himself and your lady mother, with me, serving as your lady mother's squire, and Will with Harry Flowers, one of the new soldiers, protecting the flanks", Bronn says.
"Good, good", Daemon says, so much like his lord father.

Two days later, Jaime, Lyra, Daemon and their army, with Bronn by their side at it's head, leave for Lannisport and battle. They reach Lannisport by nightfall and finds Tywin.
"My son, you came", Tywin says, happy to see his son, his daughter in-law and grandson by his side.
"Of course, father", Jaime says. "Now tell me what we are up against."
"Dornish men, and some Iron Islanders", Tywin says.
"I see", Jaime says. "How many?"
"40000 total", Tywin says. "I have 40000 men with me, half of them are of the king's and the other half is the entirety of my own army and I see you have approximately half the army with you, so another 30000 men."
"I want you along side me, Lyra, Daemon and Bronn at the head of the army, I want you, Bronn and Will to flank me, Daemon and Lyra", Jaime says.
"Yes, of course, I will flank you, you may be a man grown with children and grandchildren of your own and you may be the lord and master of Casterly Rock, but you are still my son and I protect you as you will protect your son", Tywin says.

They get into formation on horseback, Jaime and Lyra in full armor, their horses also protected, flanking their son, also on horseback and also in full armor, them in turn flanked by the armored Tywin, Will and Bronn.
"I will not be afraid, I'm a Lannister of Casterly Rock and a Stark of Winterfell, I'm the ice lion", Daemon thinks to himself.

The battle is a swift one and the Lannister army return in full to the retaken Lannisport. As they reach Lannisport, the seat of lord Tywin and lady Joanna, lord Tywin orders the servants to bring food and wine for himself, his lady wife, his son, his daughter in-law, his grandson and their guard captain while Will, Bronn's young second in command, takes care of Jaime's, Lyra's, Daemon's and Bronn's horses, as well as his own.

The hall is noisy with the chatter of men, women and children alike. Tywin bangs his empty wine goblet on the table to get silence.

A servant girl refills Tywin's cup with wine.
"Silence! I wish to propose a toast, to my grandson, lord Daemon of houses Lannister and Stark, the ice lion", Tywin says, proudly raising a cup of wine to his grandson.
"To Daemon Lannister, my son, the ice lion", Jaime says, proudly following Tywin's example.
"To Daemon Lannister, my son, the ice lion", Lyra says, proudly following Tywin's and Jaime's example.
-"The ice lion", Bronn says, smiling at his master's heir, following the example of the two lords and the lady.

The chant of "the ice lion" ring out in the great hall of the seat of lord Tywin and lady Joanna. Daemon feels himself swelling with pride.

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