Chapter 121 - "I know what my father was"

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King Rhaegar sits with his hand and advisor, lord Tyrion of house Lannister in the throne room.
"I'm glad you've turned out to be a better man and a better king than your late father, your grace, if you permit me to say so", Tyrion says.
"I know what my father was, Tyrion", Rhaegar says. "I know what he did, to his subjects, especially to my lady wife's uncle and grandfather."
"Do you know what he wanted to do to the prince's lady wife's lord father when your lady wife's lord father turned down the offer to marry lady Lyra to you?" Tyrion asks. "He asked my father, the former hand of the king, to bring him my brother's head and sword hand for him to decorate the iron throne with after Jaime, at the head of the Lannister army, won a great victory against your late father's Targaryen soldiers."
"That is surely beastly", Rhaegar says.
"It is indeed, when lady Lyra's grandfather and uncle were in King's Landing to trade with your father, to release her from any marriage negotiations with you, cause she had already chosen Jaime by then, they weren't married or officially betrothed to each other, but they were in the process of being betrothed at the time and when your father the king was denied what he'd wanted for you, he burned lord Rikard and his heir lord Brandon in the throne room, cooked them in their armor", Tyrion says.
"Why didn't lord Benjen come himself to trade with my father?" Rhaegar asks.
"Because he was at Casterly Rock together with his brother Eddard, trading with my lord father, lord Tywin of house Lannister, to buy my brother's hand, body and cock for his daughter", Tyrion says. "So lord Benjen sent his older brother and father to King's Landing to trade with the king in his stand. And it ended in the death of lord Rikard and lord Brandon, but also in the betrothal of you to lady Brianna Stark, my betrothal to lady Sansa Stark and Jaime's betrothal to lady Lyra Stark."
"And your cousin's betrothal to lady Arya Stark", Rhaegar says.
"That's correct, young Tommen was betrothed to my lady wife's sister, lady Arya, they were wed on the same day as me and lady Sansa", Tyrion says.
"Now tell me, my dear friend, will we be blessed with more little lion cubs around the castle, or will it just be our nephews and niece that will bless us with their presence?" Rhaegar asks.
"My lady wife suspects that she might be with child, at least it's what she told me", Tyrion says. "We wish to be sure before we tell the realm though."
"A wise decision, m'lord hand", Rhaegar says with a smile.
"My brother gave me that advice, he has more experience with it, more experience expecting and awaiting the arrival of children, he's dealt with more pregnancies than I have", Tyrion says.
"Indeed, your brother definitely has experience with expecting and awaiting children, he's dealt with plenty of pregnancies", Rhaegar says.
"Indeed he has, he's seen his children be born and he's seen his lady wife miscarry a couple of their babies too, he even accidentally caused her to miscarry one or two of their children", Tyrion says.
"He did? How?" Rhaegar asks.
"My brother is occasionally an eager lover with his lady wife, and it lead to lady Lyra miscarrying a boy child on two occasions", Tyrion says.

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