Chapter 170 - "nephews, welcome"

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A couple weeks later.

Gerion and Daemon have just come to King's Landing to see their uncle Tyrion. As they ride in to the courtyard of the Red Keep together with a group of soldiers from their father's army serving as guards for the two young lion lords, they see their uncle standing there waiting for them, his short stocky frame wrapped in layers of furs against the chill air.

The two young lords dismount and hand the reins to one of their uncle's men to take care of the horses. Tyrion walk over to his young nephews to greet them and welcome them to the capital.
"Nephews, welcome, I trust your journey went well", Tyrion says, embracing them both. "My, how you have both grown since I last saw you and both of you look more and more like your lord father with each passing day, come, some molled wine against the cold, I think, and a warm fire and some good food."
"Thank you, uncle, yes, our journey went well", Daemon says.
"I had rooms readied for you near mine and lady Sansa's own apartments", Tyrion says. "I told your servants to bring your things there and set everything up for you, ah and here is my lovely lady".

A young woman looking to be slightly younger than Daemon's and Gerion's mother, lady Lyra, comes in and walks up to the table.
"Lord Daemon, lord Gerion, welcome, I trust your uncle is making sure you feel at home here", Sansa says.
"He is indeed, he is too kind", Daemon says. "Join us, lady Sansa."
"Thank you, m'lord", Sansa says.
"Please, we're family, say Daemon", Daemon says smiling sweetly, his smile reminding Sansa of both her brother in-law Jaime and her cousin Lyra.
"How is your mother, my dear cousin faring? And your father, my lord husband's brother", Sansa asks.
"Mother and father are both well, when we left, one of father's old battle wounds were bothering him but mother and maester Craylen are making sure that he's alright, so is Bronn", Daemon says.
"Bronn is still in your father's service?" Tyrion says.
"Oh yes, he serves our family well and have done even since he came in to father's and mother's service after he first offered his services before we were born", Daemon says. "He is third in command in father's branch of the Lannister army now, after me and father as well as captain of the household guard and all of us Lannister-Stark children have always been close with him, he's always helped mother and father to care for us, as well as helping me and my wife to care for my children."
"So just one of you is part of your father's side of the Lannister army?" Tyrion asks.
"Yeah, Daemon got in to the Lannister army while I was here in the capital serving in the King's Guard", Gerion says. "I might enlist in the Lannister army in the future though, perhaps even in the near future."
"I see", Tyrion says. "Unless you wish to come back to King's Landing and serve in mine and lady Sansa's personal guard."
"Thank you for the offer, uncle, I'll think about it and I'll have a talk with father and Bronn about joining the Lannister army and if that isn't possible, I will send you a raven to let you know that I will return here and wish to start serving in yours and lady Sansa's personal guard", Gerion says.
"Good, good", Tyrion says nodding to himself.
"Anyone hungry?" Sansa asks.
"Very", Daemon says.
"Very", Gerion says.

Sansa waves a servant girl over to the table.
"Bring some food and drink for us and our nephews", Sansa says to a servant girl.
"Yes, lady Lannister, right away", the servant girl says, going to bring some food for the lady and the lords.

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