Chapter 120 - Uncle Gerion and aunt Jariella

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Jaime, Daemon, Bronn, their wives and their two days old children sit in the great hall breaking the fast when maester Craylen walks in and sits at the table.
"Maester, we would like to have letters sent to our other children in King's Landing to let them know they have a little brother, a niece and a nephew, and that Bronn has a son, and letters sent to Winterfell, Crakehall and the Crag", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra, could you dictate the letters to me so I get it right, please", maester Craylen says, bringing out paper, ink, quill, the Lannister seal, Jaime's and Lyra's joint seal.
"Yes, maester", Lyra says. "Let's start with the letter to lord Westerling at the Crag."

"Honorable lord Westerling, we are so incredibly happy to tell you of the birth of your grandchildren, Loreon and Joanna, born to our son, lord Daemon and your daughter, lady Eleyna, the little family is doing well/lord Jaime of house Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west"

The maester finishes the letter to lord Westerling and starts on the next letter, the letter to lord Crakehall.
"Honorable lord Crakehall, we are incredibly happy to tell you of the birth of your grandson, lord Robert of Crakehall/lord Jaime of house Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west"

Maester Craylen writes the letters to King's Landing, first the letter to lady Jariella and prince Jaehaerys.
"Beloved daughter, we are happy to tell you of the birth of your brother Jason of houses Lannister and Stark, the birth of your nephew Loreon and niece Joanna and to tell you that Bronn has become the father of a son that he and his lady wife have decided to name Robert/lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark, lady of Casterly Rock, lady of the north, the lion's lover"

Maester Craylen copies the letter, changing the names of the recipients and a few little things and sends the letters to Jaime's lord father and lady mother, to Lyra's lord father and lady mother, to the king and queen and the royal heirs, away with a couple of his birds.

The letter to princess Jariella and prince Jaehaerys arrives the next day. They sit together with king Rhaegar, queen Brianna and lord Tyrion, the king's hand and the uncle of Jariella and Gerion.
"A letter from Casterly Rock, from lord Jaime and lady Lyra, my brother and his lady wife", Tyrion says as a servant brings the letter to him, he breaks the seal and unrolls the letter. "Lady Lyra and lord Jaime have a newborn son that they are naming Jason, lord Daemon, our nephew, has become the father of a son named Loreon and a daughter named Joanna. And sir Bronn, the captain of their household guard and second in command in their army, has become the father of a son named Robert."
"That's wonderful news, that our honored brother has become a father", Gerion and Jariella say, smiling at each other. "And that we have become both older brother and sister as well as aunt and uncle."

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