Chapter 92 - letter for the king's hand

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A few days later, while Tyrion, Jaime's younger brother, hand and adviser of king Rhaegar and queen Brianna, sits breaking the fast together the royal family, he is brought the letter from Casterly Rock, from his brother Jaime.
"A letter from your grace's sister and mine own lordly brother", Tyrion says, breaking the seal.
"What does your brother, the lord and master of Casterly Rock, say?" King Rhaegar asks. "Read the letter to us, m'lord hand."
"My brother, Jaime of house Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, the golden lion, the shield of Lannisport, writes your graces to say that he and his lady wife, your grace's sister, accepts the offer of the betrothal of their daughter, lady Jariella, the light of the west, to her cousin, prince Jaehaerys, when the children are of age", Tyrion says.
"Wonderful news", king Rhaegar says.
"Would you like me to write my brother back, your grace?" Tyrion asks. "Perhaps to invite him and his lady wife and their children to come here so that lady Jariella and prince Jaehaerys can get to know each other?"
"Yes, write your brother back and invite him and her grace's sister and their children and household here so that lady Jariella and the prince can meet each other and get to know each other better", king Rhaegar says.
"Yes, your grace", Tyrion says. "Should I mark it with my own seal or with the royal seal?"
"With the royal seal", king Rhaegar says lightly.

Tyrion has one of the king's servants bring him paper, quill, ink and the royal seal and he writes the letter to Jaime, dictated by king Rhaegar. When the letter is written, Tyrion hands it over to his king for inspection before he rolls it up and marks it with the royal seal and then hands it to maester Pycelle to have it sent off to Jaime and Lyra at Casterly Rock.

At Casterly Rock, Jaime and Lyra are out riding together in the grounds around the Rock, they play and laugh together, just like when they were young. They stop by some trees and dismount, tying up their horses.

Jaime takes his cloak off and Lyra does the same and lay them down on the ground and lay down on top of them. He wraps her up in his arms and eagerly gets her out of her riding clothes and gets his own clothes off.
"Make love to me", Jaime says hungrily, getting on top of Lyra, adjusting himself so that he can enter his lady wife properly, in an angle pleasurable for both of them and to not crush her with his weight.

Lyra and Jaime gently make love, laying on their cloaks, making it more comfortable to make love on the ground, shaded by a large oak tree on the grounds at the Rock.

There's a sound behind them, making Jaime stop moving inside Lyra.
"Jaime, what is it?" Lyra asks.
"I think I heard something, I think we might have company", Jaime whispers, looking back over his shoulder.
"Who is it? Is there someone here?" Lyra asks, clutching her husband's strong body.
"I don't know, my love", Jaime says, shielding his wife with his strong toned beautiful body if there is someone there that means either him or her, harm. "Who's there?"
"Oh, forgive me, m'lord of Lannister, didn't mean to interrupt or startle you, but there was an urgent letter from your lordship's brother", Bronn says amused when he sees his master and mistress behaving like they were a young soldier and his wench who's just been betrothed.
"Give us a minute, Captain", Jaime says and Bronn turns his back while his master and mistress gets dressed.

Jaime laces up Lyra's dress with quick expert fingers and then laces up his own pants, helps Lyra get her cloak on and gets his own on before offering up his arm to his wife.
"You may turn around now, Captain", Lyra says.
"Are we ready to go back to the castle?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, let's go back to the castle", Lyra says, cuddling up to Jaime as they walk back to the castle together, leading their horses by their bridles.
"Where are the children?" Jaime asks.
"Lady Jariella is with her nursemaids and the little lords are with Maester Craylen in the great hall having a lesson, the maester has the letter from your lordship's brother", Bronn says.
"Alright, let's go to the great hall and see what my brother has to tell us, and can you tend to our horses, captain, thank you", Jaime says, lifting Lyra up in his arms and carry her in to the great hall of the castle and sit down with her across his lap in the master's seat and waves maester Craylen over to them.
"The captain came to me saying that there was a letter from my brother, lord Tyrion, the king's hand", Jaime says.
"Yes, here it is", maester Craylen says, handing over the scroll, the royal seal unbroken.

Jaime takes the scroll, breaks the seal and unrolls it and begins to read the letter from his brother.
"What does your brother say?" Lyra asks.
"He writes to say the news about the betrothal between Jariella and Prince Jaehaerys when they are of age makes him very happy and proud that we've made such a good match for his niece", Jaime says.

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