Chapter 89 - Maester Craylen

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After the lesson with Daemon, Jaime leaves his son and heir with Bronn and goes together with Tyrion to speak to maester Craylen about having extra lessons with Daemon, to teach him everything he needs to know to become hand to some king.
"Maester, I would like to ask something of you", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord?" Maester Craylen asks.
"My heir asked his uncle how to become hand of the king during his lesson with me", Jaime says. "I had my brother and the captain both sit in on the lesson today, I usually just have the captain sit in on the lessons I have with my son."
"I'll gladly teach your heir what he needs to know to become hand to a future king if that's your wish, m'lord, I have the right material for it in my private library, and there is more material in the castle's library, I'll have the castle steward help me assemble the material needed for the lessons with the young lord", maester Craylen says.
"Thank you, maester", Jaime says.
"Of course, m'lord, young Daemon is the future lord of Casterly Rock and future warden of the west and should have the education of the lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the west", maester Craylen says.
"His lady mother also asked that you give both our sons lessons about the north", Jaime says. "Since Gerion will likely get the title of warden of the north after his grandfather and mother, while Daemon will be warden of the west after his grandfather and me."
"Oh yes, I always forget that your title isn't warden of the west, m'lord", maester Craylen says.
"My true title is lord of Casterly Rock and sword of the west, my father still holds the title warden of the west, I will inherit the title warden of the west upon my father's death", Jaime says.
"I will give both your sons lessons about all the seven kingdoms, not just the north and the west, it will be useful for them", maester Craylen says lightly.
"Of course, of course, thank you", Jaime says, nodding while listening.
"I've made a kind of schedule for their lessons with me, I made two copies, one for Daemon and one for Gerion, I can add the lessons Daemon has with you and the captain as well, if you wish, I can have a copy made for you and brought to you unless you'd be able to wait for it here", maester Craylen says.
"Thank you, maester, I would really appreciate that, could you have it brought to me when it is ready, I have a training session with the soldiers", Jaime says.
"I will have it brought to you when it's finished then", maester Craylen says.

Jaime excuses himself and goes to find Bronn before going to change into his riding clothes.
"Captain, assemble the soldiers, time for training, Daemon, join me and your uncle", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, going to assemble the household army and going to the training yard.
"Yes, father", Daemon says, following his father and uncle, watch as Jaime changes in to his riding clothes.

Daemon follows his father, uncle and captain of his father's household guard, out to the training yard and watches together with his uncle from the balustrade as his father and Bronn train the family's household army.

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