Chapter 175 - Daemon the younger of houses Targaryen, Lannister and Stark

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Three weeks later, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark, married into house Targaryen, wakes in the arms of her dragon prince Daeron at Dragonstone where they have now relocated to.

She is feeling a bit sick and asks him to send for the maester to come see to her.
"Princess, you asked for me", maester Gerardys says.
"Yes, I believe that I may be with child, that prince Daeron has made me with child", Jariella says.
"Let's have a look then", maester Gerardys says, examining the young princess, determining that she is indeed with child. "Yes, I believe that you are with child, a boy, I believe."
"That is wonderful news", Daeron says with a smile. "How far along is my lady? And when can we tell our families of these news?
"Two moons along, I would advise you to wait for another two moons to tell your families of these news", maester Gerardys says.
"Then we will do so", Jariella says lightly. "For how much longer will I be allowed to bed him?"
"For another five moons, but you both know other ways to please each other when you can't lay with each other in the traditional sense", maester Gerardys says lightly.
"That we do", Daeron says, smiling at Jariella.

Seven months later Jariella gives birth to a son, a large, strong silver haired beauty with the lilac eyes of his Targaryen father. They decide to name him Daemon for his Lannister-Stark cousin.

The birth is an easy one and Daeron himself pulls his son from his wife's body, cutting the umbilical cord with the knife at his belt before handing the boy to the helper women to wash and wrap him before handing him back to Jariella.
"Have ravens sent to King's Landing, Casterly Rock, Winterfell and Lannisport to tell our families of the birth of our son", Jariella says. "We (names and titles) are glad to announce that a son was born to us this day, we have decided to name him Daemon."
"Yes, m'lady", maester Gerardys says, getting to work on the letter, when it's done, he marks the letters with Jariella's Lannister seal and sends them away with a couple of the castle ravens.

The letters reach their intended addresses within three days. One of the letters reaches Jaime, Lyra and their other children at Casterly Rock early in the morning of the second day.

The letter is brought before Jaime and Lyra as they are breaking the fast together with their children, grandchildren and household. Jaime lightly waves for the letter to be handed to Daemon rather than to him or Lyra.
"A letter from our sweet sister at Dragonstone", Daemon says, reading the letter out loud to the others gathered around him. "The good maester Gerardys at Dragonstone writes us that a son has been born to our sweet sister, lady Jariella and prince Daeron of house Targaryen, a son they have decided to name Daemon of houses Targaryen, Lannister and Stark."
"What wonderful news", Jaime says. "I may not be overjoyed that my daughter chose a Targaryen man, but at least he is kind to her and will keep her safe if need be."
"Write our daughter and her lord husband back to congratulate them on the birth of their son", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says, starting to work on the letter to Dragonstone.

Maester Craylen starts writing the letter to lady Jariella and prince Daeron at Dragonstone to congratulate them on the birth of their son, prince Daemon of houses Targaryen, Lannister and Stark.

When it's done, he sends it off with one of the castle's ravens. Lyra sends for more food and drink for herself, her lord husband, their children, daughters in-law, grandchildren and household.

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