Chapter 152 - news from the king's hand

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The next day, Jaime, Lyra, their children and grandchildren are breaking the fast with Tyrion, Sansa, Tywin, Joanna, Benjen and Ariella.
"I have some news from the capital", Tyrion says. "I suppose you noticed that lady Sansa and I didn't bring our adopted son, your grandson, prince Jaime with us here."
"Yes, we noticed that you didn't bring our grandson with you", Jaime says.
"We must unfortunately bring you some very sad news, brother", Tyrion says.
"What is it, Tyrion? What happened to my grandson?" Jaime asks.
"Prince Jaehaerys happened", Sansa says sadly.
"What do you mean, cousin?" Lyra asks.
"Prince Jaehaerys kidnapped little prince Jaime from our rooms in the Red Keep and fed him to the hounds, the little prince's only crime being that he is part Lannister and resembles his uncles and grandfather", Sansa says. "I'm so sorry, cousin."
"What does my sister and the king say about this? Do they know what their son did to my grandson? Simply because he is part Lannister and looks like both my sons?" Lyra asks calmly, fire blazing in her eyes.
"The king punished his son for it himself", Sansa says.
"How?" Lyra asks.
"He had him severely beaten", Sansa says. "And my own lord husband threatened to have him skinned alive by either you or your lord husband for what he did to your grandson."
"Your grandson was averaged, lady Lyra", Tyrion says fiercely. "Prince Jaehaerys was beaten nearly to death, after the beating he was gelded with hot knives and sent away to become a brother in the Night's Watch, on king Rhaegar's own orders."
"Who gelded the prince?" Lyra asks.
"One of house Targaryen's own men, on order from the king", Tyrion says.
"King Rhaegar ordered his own son to be gelded with hot knives and sent off to the wall?" Lyra asks.
"He did indeed, he was livid when he heard what his son had done to the little prince, king Rhaegar was as fiery as his late father, the old king Aerys, if house Targaryen still had dragons, I believe prince Jaehaerys would have been fed to one", Tyrion says.

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