Chapter 45 - "Jaime never sounded like that"

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"Jaime never sounded like that", Cersei says.
"Never sounded like that? How do you know that? How do you know what he sounds like when he finds his release? Lady Lyra was his first lover, his only lover", the septa says.
"I heard him when he pleasured himself when he was young", Cersei says.
"Some men sound differently when they pleasure themselves alone and when they find their release together with a partner", the septa says.
"And she'd clawed his perfect skin!" Cersei says.
"By the gods...he had been at war, and he'd been a prisoner at Winterfell, brought to Winterfell by the lords of house Stark, as tribute of war, no one comes away unharmed from any off that, not even your brother, he was given to lady Lyra by her father lord Benjen, as a gift and war trophy, to do with what she wanted, to torture any way she wanted, the unending unfounded allegations from you against lady Lyra, whom is now his lady wife, only solidifies the rumors about your lusting after your brother", the septa says. "Had he been given to the Winterfell jailers to do whatever they wanted, your brother would likely be dead, lady Lyra stopped herself from actually killing him, because she knew that he might be more useful in trading with your lord father."
"She tortured him! She tortured my Jaime!" Cersei says. "I demand to see my father, the hand of the king, I demand to speak to him."
"What help do you expect from lord Tywin simply because he is the king's hand?" the septa asks. "He, the lords of house Stark, your lady mother and your brothers all made sure you were brought here, to keep you from any further mischief."
"I demand to see my father!" Cersei says again.
"Send for the lord hand, see if he has the time to come see this sinful creature that he fathered", the septa tells one of the other sisters of the faith.
"Yes, I will see if the lord hand has the time to come here", sister Miranda says, sending away a servant girl to fetch lord Tywin.

45 minutes later, lord Tywin appears with sister Miranda in tow.
"Septa Georgetta, you asked to see me", Tywin says, every inch the lord.
"I did, m'lord hand", the septa says. "It concerns the lady Cersei."
"I figured as much", Tywin says. "What has the spiteful creature that I'm shamed to call my daughter, done this time?"
"She has come with countless allegations against your son's lady wife, the lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark", the septa says.
"What sort of allegations?" Tywin asks.
"Allegations of a sexual nature, allegations that lady Lyra harmed her husband, lord Jaime of house Lannister, while they were coupling", the septa says.
"My son and his wife are both adults and what they do in their chambers is no one's business but their own", Tywin says.
"The lady Cersei claimed she heard sounds that made her think her lord brother was being harmed, and that she saw scars on him", the septa says.
"The sounds she heard, that half of Winterfell heard, god help us, was her twin brother finding his sexual release, that's all it was", Tywin says.
"She said 'I've never heard him sound like that, my Jaime was screaming'"the septa says.
"And screaming he was, that they didn't wake the entire castle with their coupling that night, is a miracle", Tywin says.
"She also complained about being stopped from seeing her brother that night, I heard", the septa says.
"Me, my sons, lady Lyra, her lord father, uncle, Jaime's and Lyra's guard captain and Cersei's former husband all made plans to post guards at every entrance and exit to Cersei's rooms and Jaime's and Lyra's rooms, to stop Cersei from getting to her brother", Tywin says.

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