Chapter 101 - Jaime Targaryen, fifth of his name

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Four days later.

Princess Jariella and prince Jaehaerys are woken by the cooing of their son, Jaime, named after Jariella's mighty lord father, Jaime Lannister, the lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, the shield of Lannisport, the golden lion.
"It's his presentation to the realm today and his baptism", Jaehaerys says, smiling sweetly as he hears his son.
"Could you get our servants to come tend to us?" Jariella says.
"Yes, my love", Jaehaerys says, getting up to get the servants while Jariella fills two bottles with her milk so both of them can feed their son, just like she was brought up. "Tend to us, hot water and oils, and get our chamber servants to get clothes out for us."
"Yes, my prince", the servants say, getting to work.

The chamber servants get to work, filling the tub with hot water and oils and stand back as prince Jaehaerys and princess Jariella get in to the tub and wash each other.

When they are dressed, Jariella and Jaehaerys have their hair braided and get their jewelry on, when it's done, Jariella has a nursemaid and a few servants have baby Jaime dressed and ready.

They bring their son with them to break the fast and then they go to meet their guests that have just arrived.
"Granddaughter, your mother and father, the lord and lady of Casterly Rock, have arrived with your older brother, the young lion, lord Daemon, the future lord of Casterly Rock", Tywin says, sitting at the table with his lady wife Joanna and his son, the king's hand, lord Tyrion and Jariella's other older brother Gerion.
"Where are they, grandfather?" Jariella asks.
"In the throne room with the king and queen, my princess", Tyrion says. "We will all go there after we've broken the fast."

They break the fast and afterwards, Jariella and Jaehaerys get up from the table, Jaehaerys with an arm around Jariella's waist and Jariella with Jaime on her arm and with Tyrion by his niece's side and together they walk to the throne room, Tywin and Joanna behind their son, granddaughter and great grandson.
"Prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark, his wife princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark, the pride of the west, their son, prince Jaime of houses Targaryen, Lannister and Stark, fifth of his name, the princess's grandfather lord Tywin of house Lannister, the princess's grandmother lady Joanna of house Lannister, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, the princess's brother", lord Varys, the king's spider, says.
"You look well, daughter", Lyra says, approaching her daughter and her royal husband and the little prince, with Jaime's arm around her waist. "What a beautiful son you have given your lord husband and what a beautiful grandson you have given me and your father."
"Thank you, lady mother", Jariella says.
"Your mother and I are very proud of you, daughter", Jaime says with a smile.
"Thank you, father", Jariella says.

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