Chapter 79 - meeting the dragon prince

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"When does your lord father say we can come to the capital to see the royal couple and the little prince?" Lyra asks.
"Father says we are welcome to come to King's Landing to see the royal family in four weeks time, when her grace the queen your sister has recovered from the birth of the prince", Jaime says.
"Write your father back or have maester Craylen do it, and tell him that we will gladly accept the invitation to come to King's Landing to see the royal family", Lyra says.
"I'll have the maester write a reply to father and have preparations made for our journey to King's Landing", Jaime says, having one of their household guards go find maester Craylen in his study and bring him back to Jaime and Lyra.

The guard returns after a couple minutes with the maester by his side.
"You asked to see me, m'lord", maester Craylen says, walking in to the room with the guard in tow.
"Yes, we would like you to send a reply to the letter from my lord father, Tywin Lannister, the hand of the king", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord, what would you like the letter to say?" Maester Craylen asks.
"Write my father to say we congratulate the royal couple on the birth of the little dragon wolf prince, and that we will gladly accept the invitation to King's Landing to come see the royal family, and that we will come to the capital on the day mentioned in the letter, in four weeks time when her grace the queen, my lady wife's sister, has recovered from the birth of the prince", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says, sitting down at a table and starting to write the letter to lord Tywin after dictation from Lyra.
"Thank you, maester", Jaime says.
"Which seal should I mark the letter with, m'lord? Your lordship's Lannister seal, lady Lyra's Stark seal or your joint seal of the lion and the wolf", maester Craylen says.
"Our joint seal of the lion of Lannister and the dire wolf of Stark", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord, I'll mark it with your joint seal and send a raven to the capital to the lord hand, your father", maester Craylen says, marking it with the double seal of Lannister and Stark and then excuse himself to send the letter of with one of Casterly Rock's ravens.

Maester Craylen sends of the raven to King's Landing and then attends to his other assignments. Jaime and Lyra sit in their rooms talking and enjoying each other's company.

Jaime gets up and opens the door.
"Send for some food for myself and my lady wife", Jaime says to a servant girl. "Sweet meats, cheese, bread, butter, fruit and wine."
"Yes, milord", a servant girl says, going to see to the food for the lord and lady.

Jaime and Lyra are brought their food and are left alone in their rooms. When they are alone, they playfully start feeding each other with grapes, pieces of apples and pieces of oranges, like they were newlyweds and young and not parents of three.

Four weeks later, Jaime and Lyra are woken in their rooms in the Red Keep, by their servants coming in with boiling hot water that they fill the large tub with.

When the tub is filled with water, the servants add scented oils. Jaime gets up naked from the big bed and lift Lyra up in his arms and lay down in tub with her still half asleep in his arms.
"Mm, Jaime", Lyra mumbles against Jaime's hairy chest.
"Ride me, slow and gentle and then we have to get dressed and ready to meet the royal family", Jaime says.

Lyra rides Jaime slow and gentle in the tub and when they've both found their sexual release, Jaime lifts Lyra up in his arms and get out of the tub with her in his arms and set her down on the daybed and have their servants lay out clothes for them on the big bed.

When they are both dressed, one of Lyra's handmaidens put jewelry on her while another fixes her hair in to an elaborate hairstyle that she decorates with the ornaments from Jaime.
"Would you like to wear a belt with your dress, milady?" One of the handmaidens asks.
"The long braided light suede belt decorated with rubies and grey aquamarines, the lion and dire wolf clasp that Jaime had made for me as a gift when I had given birth to our firstborn child, our son Daemon", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra, and what shoes would you like to wear with your dress?" The handmaiden asks.
"The light grey heels with silver details, that my lord uncle gifted me for my last name day", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", the handmaiden says, bringing out the shoes.
"Jaime, hold my hands to help me keep my balance while Noella helps me with the shoes", Lyra says.
"Yes, beloved", Jaime says, taking Lyra's hands in his while Noella helps Lyra to get her shoes on.

When Lyra have gotten her shoes on, Jaime holds out her crimson red Lannister cloak embroidered with the family's personal coat of arms, the proud roaring golden lion of house Lannister facing the proud dire wolf of Stark embroidered in silver threads, and drapes it around her shoulders and hold it shut and in place with customized clasp of a lion and dire wolf facing each other and clasping their paws with each other like they are clashing with each other.
"Ready to meet the royal family, my beautiful lady of Lannister and Stark?" Jaime says, holding his arm out to Lyra.

They walk out of their rooms together and in to the day room in the large quarters they were given in the Red Keep. In the day room, Daemon, Gerion and Jariella wait with their servants and Bronn, all the children dressed in the colors of their parents' houses.

Daemon and Gerion in red leather jackets similar to Jaime's with Stark grey pants and braided belts in black leather and light grey suede and their sister in a Stark grey dress with a Lannister red wide belt with a gold clasp.

Bronn stands next to them dressed in black leather and a Lannister red cloak embroidered with the family's coat of arms. Daemon offers up his arm to his younger sister and Gerion walk on the other side of his sister and makes sure no one knocks the little girl over as they walk behind their parents with Bronn behind them out of their rooms and into the throne room where they will meet the royal family.

In the throne room, the servant who led the little family to the king and queen, announce their arrival.
"Lord Jaime of house Lannister and his lady wife Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark and their children lord Daemon Lannister-Stark, lord Gerion Lannister-Stark and lady Jariella Lannister-Stark", the servant says.
"Approach", king Rhaegar says, giving a light wave of his hand.

Jaime and Lyra approach the throne and bow down deeply to the king and queen.
"Arise, my dear lord of Lannister, brother by marriage to both my queen and myself, and arise, my dear lady of Lannister and Stark, sister to my queen and sister by marriage to myself", king Rhaegar says, getting up from the Iron Throne and holding out his arm to his queen, stepping down from the throne and approaching their guests, nodding to the prince's nursemaid to bring the little heir to the Seven Kingdoms to his parents.
"Prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark, meet your aunt lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark, your uncle Jaime of house Lannister and your cousins Daemon, Gerion and Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark", queen Brianna says to the little prince in her arms.
"He is beautiful, sweet sister", Lyra says. "Such unusual eyes, Stark grey with Targaryen purple irises."
"Maester Pycelle tells us he will likely be silver haired like his kingly father", queen Brianna says. "Or silver with strikes of either platinum or gold."
"Either way, he is a beautiful little prince, your grace", Lyra says with a smile.
"I feel very happy that I managed to give my husband his grace the king a son and heir on the first try", queen Brianna says with a smile.
"I was equally happy when I managed to give my lord husband a son and heir on the first try too", Lyra says, returning her sister's wide happy sweet smile.
"I would have been just as happy for a little princess", king Rhaegar says reassuringly to his queen and his queen's sister and lord husband.
"As I would have been, had our first child been a daughter", Jaime says. "I would have seen a daughter as just as much of an heir as I did Daemon."
"It gladdens my heart to hear that our husbands are so open to letting their female heirs in to the line of succession", queen Brianna says with a smile directed to her sister.
"It's the customs of the north, that's how I became heir to Winterfell instead of our brothers or male cousins", Lyra says. "It was father's decision and uncle Eddard agreed with him, even though we have male cousins from uncle Eddard's and aunt Catelyn's line of the Stark family tree, who are older than me, uncle Eddard agreed with father that I was the one who was the most fitting to be heir to Winterfell."
"You were the most fitting heir to Winterfell, uncle Eddard and father were right in naming you heir, even if it angered our brothers or male cousins older than you, sweet sister", queen Brianna says.
"I'm not so sure you're right about that", Lyra says.
"I am, you handled the Lannister army, you took the hand's heir, the finest warrior in the Seven Kingdoms as a war trophy, you tortured him and made him think he going to get killed, you had his grace the king's uncle killed for trying to attack Casterly Rock", queen Brianna says.

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