Chapter 5 - help from Jory

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Jory knocks on Lyra's door.
"Lady Lyra, it's Jory, may I come in?" Jory asks.
"Yeah, come in, Jory", Lyra says, dressing quickly before Jory opens the door.
"You asked for me, milady", Jory says.
"Yes, I know who's in the dungeons, right?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, I've been informed that Jaime of house Lannister is in the castle dungeons", Jory says.
"Could you get him to me without anyone seeing you?" Lyra asks.
"I could...but why would you want him when you could have me?" Jory asks, trying to kiss her.

Lyra realizes that Jory is drunk as a tavern slut and that there'll be no help from there, she pushes him in to a privy adjoining her chambers and steals his large keychain, he has keys to everywhere in the castle.

When the castle is dark, Lyra puts a cloak on, steals the sleeping Jory's weapons and hides them, grabs a lamp and gets in to the dungeons.
"Jaime", Lyra calls out lightly. "Jaime, are you awake?"
"Lyra, what are you doing here, in the middle of the night, are you back to torture me?" Jaime asks, confused.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I stole Jory's weapons, hid them, I have your weapons with me, come on, hurry", Lyra says.
"Where are we going?" Jaime asks, strapping on his sword and daggers.
"There's a secret entrance to my chambers, I think only I, father and uncle Eddard know about it, they both had those chambers when they were growing up here, they are in the oldest parts of the castle", Lyra says. "Come on, this way."

Jaime follows silently through a tunnel that leads from the dungeons directly to Lyra's chambers. They move quickly and enter Lyra's chambers silently.

The first thing they see is a drunk Jory Cassel, in nothing but his skin, sleeping on top of her bed.
Jaime goes to hide in Lyra's large closet, hearing her scream of acted shock at seeing the naked Jory on her bed.
"Elaria, go wake my lord father and uncle", Lyra says when her handmaiden appears, seeing her shocked mistress.
"Yes, mi'lady, at once", Elaria says, rushing to wake the two lords of house Stark.
"What in all seven hells is the meaning of this?!" booms Benjen, entering his daughters chambers. "Are you alright, daughter?"
"Yes, I'm alright, father, I had been out in the garden getting a bit of night air and when I came back, he was lying there like this", Lyra says.
"Unbelievable...Jory! Wake up! What in all seven hells are you doing in my daughter's bed? I can't believe she invited you to share it, did she?" Benjen asks, grabbing the youth by the throat, dropping him on the floor in front of Ned before embracing his shocked, shaking daughter. "He's one of yours, Ned, it's up to you to punish him in a way you see fit."
"And punish him, I will", Ned says.

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