Chapter 118 - the captain's lady

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A couple months later.

Bronn sits in with Daemon and Jaime in the great hall while Jaime is meeting with visitors coming to seek the lord of Casterly Rock.

Among the visitors, Bronn, sitting to his master's left, notices the daughter of one of Jaime's visiting banner men, the 19 year old lady Cerelle, daughter of the lord of Crakehall.

He leans in to whisper in Jaime's ear.
"Betroth her to me, m'lord, it is high time that I take a wife", Bronn whispers in Jaime's ear and Jaime gives a light nod in agreement to the suggestion from the captain of his household guard.
"My honored lord of Crakehall, I have a suggestion for you, you came to me asking the body, blood and seed of my heir who is already spoken for, for your young daughter there beside you, or for me to take her as a mistress, to this I say to you nēy, as my promise made to my lady wife when I wed her was to have no other woman while we are husband and wife", Jaime says, with all the grace of a lord. "I can offer you a soldier for your daughter to take to husband though, and not just some simple sellsword in my service, I can offer you a betrothal for your daughter to the captain of mine own guard, Ser Bronn of the Gold Road. Your daughter would be housed here at Casterly Rock and cared for as if she was one of our own, and don't worry, he may look rough and dangerous, but he is one of the least dangerous people in my service and in this castle, I've entrusted all my children as well as my wife into this man's keeping on multiple occasions, he cares for my children as if they were his own."
"You have two sons, have you not, my honored lord of Lannister?" Lord Crakehall asks.
"I do indeed, my children are my pride and joy, my second son, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, is in the service of his cousin, prince Jaehaerys Targaryen in King's Landing, serving as prince guard for prince Jaehaerys and our daughter, princess Jariella Lannister", Jaime says lightly.

Lord Crakehall sighs with resignation when he realizes the reality of the situation. His daughter won't be married off to a son of Jaime's blood and seed as he had hoped for.
"I agree to being betrothed to Ser Bronn", Cerelle says in a low timid voice.
"So be it then", lord Crakehall says with a sigh.

The wedding between Ser Bronn of the Gold Road and lady Cerelle of house Crakehall takes place in the sept at Casterly Rock, officiated by septon Tion Lannister, distant relative of Jaime.

The ceremony is brief and witnessed by Jaime, Lyra, Daemon, Eleyna and Will alongside lord and lady Crakehall.
"Now, the captain has his lady, congratulations", Lyra says as the ceremony is to an end, giving her friend a hug.
"Congratulations, my friend", Jaime says, giving Bronn a hug.
"Congratulations, captain", Daemon says with a smile.
"Congratulations, captain", Eleyna says.

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