Chapter 173 - dragon seed

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Jariella Lannister is back in King Landing together with her brothers visiting their aunts and uncles, king Rhaegar, queen Brianna, lord Tyrion and lady Sansa.

Also in the capital is the king's uncle, Daeron Targaryen, the king of the Narrow sea and he has his sites set on a certain young lady of houses Lannister and Stark, a certain young lady who is now again unwed and ripe for picking.

Daeron sneaks around the streets in a black hooded cloak that hides his silver hair and purple eyes as well as his slim build, seeing the young lioness from afar, he decides that he must have her, her parents, brothers and the royal couple be damned.

He thinks to himself that if he has to, he will ask the royal couple, the hand and his wife, the lord and lady of Casterly Rock, the young woman's brothers even if need be, for her hand.

He decides to seek her out in the Red Keep in the evening when she's alone. He sneaks in to her chambers through a hidden door known very well by Jariella.

She sleeps alone and doesn't stir as he moves around the room, only stirring as he reaches the big bed.
"Daeron Targaryen, king of the narrow sea...what are you doing in here?" Jariella asks, recognizing the silver haired beauty before her but not fearing him one bit, she is the lion's daughter and not much can scare her, least of all some man.
"I no longer hold that title", Daeron says lightly. "And I'm no longer with the sea horse's daughter, she chose to leave me for another man and I let her do so."
"Does the royal couple or the hand and his lady wife know that you're here?" Jariella asks.
"No, and no one saw me entering your rooms, I used one of the secret entrances", Daeron says.
"Come, come here", Jariella says, leaning back on the big bed in the corner of the room, waving the man over to her and inviting him to undress and mount her.

Daeron undresses Jariella while she does the same with him, undressing him down to his skin and entangle her fingers in his shoulder length silver hair, moving her hands down over his back as he mounts her.

Jariella moans as she feels the older man moving inside her, he pumps first gently inside her, speeding up little at a time and going a little harder every time he speeds up, until she flips them both over so that she's on top of him, riding him lustily, bouncing up and down on his long stiff manhood.
"Oh, Daeron", Jariella whimpers as she feels him moving inside her, pinching and twisting his nipples as she rides him harder and faster with each upward thrust from him.

Daeron feels himself about to spill his seed and tries to stop the young lioness from bouncing on his manhood, but she holds on to him to stay in place.
"Spill your seed inside me and I will birth you a dragon seed", Jariella moans.
"How do you know what that is?" Daeron asks, holding on to Jariella's hips as he flips her over so that he's on top of her, holding her legs up a bit and pumping deep inside her, spilling his seed inside her, both of them staying still to make sure none of his seed spills out of her, making sure that a dragon seed is well planted inside her.
"I want another round", Jariella begs.
"And you shall have it, just give me a minute to breathe", Daeron says, flipping her over and forcing himself roughly into her puckered asshole, staying still for a minute to let her adjust to him before he starts moving rough and fast inside her.

When the act is done, Daeron pulls out of Jariella and washes himself, handing Jariella a cloth to wash herself and one to put inside her small clothes should the anal play result in blood or any other fluid start coming out of her.

When they've both got their small clothes on, Daeron pulls his pants on and puts his tunic on, then his shoes and then a shirt and west in Targaryen red. When Daeron is fully dressed, he helps Jariella to dress, when they are both dressed, they leave the room from separate exits to avoid any castle gossip that could possibly end up before the royal couple or before the hand and his wife.

A couple days later, despite all their attempts at trying to keep their affair a secret, Jariella's sharp eyed uncle Tyrion sees what his niece and the dragon prince are trying to hide from everyone, that they are having an affair and that a dragon seed may already be growing inside Jariella's womb.

Tyrion ponders on whether to tell the king and queen first or to send a raven to Casterly Rock, to his brother Jaime and his wife Lyra, Jariella's mother and father before telling the royal couple. He decides to wait for another day or two and observe his niece and the king of the Narrow Sea closely.

After two more days of observing Jariella and Daeron closely, Tyrion has made his decision and goes to tell the royal couple about his discovery, the royal couple listen and take in the news, the king and queen urges Tyrion to send a raven to his brother and his wife at Casterly Rock, tell them of the affair and that it has been decided that Jariella and Daeron will be forced to the marriage altar in the sept of Baelor within a fortnight.

When the raven from King's Landing reaches Casterly Rock and is brought before Jaime, Lyra and their household, Jaime breaks the royal seal, his sky blue eyes blazing like wildfire as he reads the letter out loud.
"Our daughter, lady Jariella is getting married, to Daeron Targaryen, they've had an affair and the wedding is to prevent scandal should she already have a dragon seed growing inside her, king Rhaegar is sending our sons home and asks us to send the rest of Jariella's things to the capital", Jaime says. "My children will the death of me..."
"Daeron Targaryen is of an age with my cousin Jon, close upon his 27th nameday and our daughter is but 19", Lyra says.
"I'm aware of that, my beloved", Jaime says, so furious that Lyra almost fears that he is like to strike her if she utters another word.

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