Chapter 19 - weddings

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A few days later, Jaime is in the training yard, training with the soldiers of his household guard. Maester Craylen signals to him and Jaime tells Bronn to take over practice before walking over to the maester.
"A raven, your grace, from King's Landing, from your lord father, the hand of the king", maester Craylen says.
"Where's my lady wife?" Jaime asks.
"She's with your sons", maester Craylen says.
"Take me to her, maester, bring the letter and we shall read it in her presence", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says.
"Lyra, my love, we have a letter from father", Jaime says, smiling, ruffling his sons' blonde heads.
"What does lord Tywin say?" Lyra asks.
"He writes to invite you and your lord husband and your lordling sons to lady Cersei's wedding to lord Robert Baratheon, the wedding is to be at Storm's End", maester Craylen says.
"When will the wedding be, does he say?" Lyra asks.
"He says the wedding will be in a moon's turn", maester Craylen says. "He says he wishes you two and your sons to be there."
"Then we shall all be there, I will order the seamstresses to make wedding clothes for us," Lyra says. "I will have them remodel my wedding dress, to make it more suitable for everyday wear, and I will order them to do the same with Jaime's wedding clothes, and I will have them make wedding clothes for our sons."
"Yes, lady Lannister", maester Craylen says.
"I can go get the seamstresses for us, my love", Jaime says.
"Good, thank you, my love", Lyra says, giving Jaime a gentle kiss.
"I'll be right back, my love", Jaime says, getting up to get the seamstresses for them.

Jaime goes to find the seamstresses, he finds them in their work place in the large castle.
"My lord Jaime, what can we do for you?" one of the seamstresses asks.
"Me and my lady wife and our sons will be needing wedding clothes made for my sister's wedding, the wedding is in a moon's turn", Jaime says. "Remodel the wedding clothes me and my lady wife wore at our wedding, make them more suitable for everyday wear and make wedding clothes for our sons."
"Yes, m'lord", one of the seamstresses says. "How soon did you say you needed it finished?"
"The wedding is in a moon's turn, so three weeks should be more than enough time, then we have time for any possible adjustments to be made", Jaime says.
"Yes, I have ten seamstresses and eight apprentice girls to help, and lord Tywin ordered us to halt all other work, to make sure that the clothes for you, your lady wife and your sons are done in good time before your sister's wedding, m'lord", the seamstress says.
"Thank you", Jaime says.
"Anything else you need, m'lord?" The seamstresses asks.
"Some new nightdresses for my lady wife, but that can wait, the main thing that needs to be finished are the clothes for my sister's wedding", Jaime says.
"We will see to making some new nightdresses for your lady wife as well, m'lord, have one of her nightdresses brought to us for measurements", the seamstresses says.
"I will have one of my lady's handmaidens bring one for you", Jaime says.
"Good, thank you, m'lord", the seamstresses say. "How soon will it be brought to us?"

Jaime turns to one of Lyra's chambermaid's who's in the room.
"Go get one of the lady's nightdresses and bring it here, it doesn't matter which one of the nightdresses you bring, all they need it for is to make sure they get the measurements right for her", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", the chambermaid says, going to do her master's bidding.

Jaime stands back and waits until the chambermaid comes back with Lyra's nightdress. When the chambermaid has left again after leaving the nightdress, Jaime leaves and goes to find his lady wife.

He finds her alone, sleeping in the big bed in their chambers. He plants a gentle kiss on her brow.
"Mm, Jaime", Lyra mumbles in her sleep.
Yes, it's your Jaime, I'm here, my love", Jaime says.

Lyra opens her eyes and looks up at Jaime's sweet eyes.
"I did as you asked, I ordered the new clothes for us for the wedding, and the new nightdresses for you", Jaime says.
"Thank you, will the clothes be done in time?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, they said everything would be done in good time before the wedding", Jaime says.
"Good, come lay with me, Jaime", Lyra says, reaching her arms out for him. "Make love to me, gently, Jaime."

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