Chapter 63 - Jaime's promise

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"Remember what I promised you when we were married?" Jaime asks.
"That you would do anything to protect me", Lyra says.
"Exactly, I would do anything to protect you, you and the children", Jaime says. "And I will, I will do anything to protect you and the children."
"As long as it doesn't mean that you get in to any trouble", Lyra says.
"I promise, my love, nothing will happen to me, or Bronn, or you and the children", Jaime says, giving Lyra a light kiss on the forehead.

In King's Landing, the septa comes to meet Cersei in her cell in the Red Keep's dungeon.
"Oh, lady Cersei, what have you done now? Trying to assassinate her grace the queen, trying to assassinate your brother's wife and child, trying to have your brother framed for it", the septa says. "You should feel lucky that his grace king Rhaegar of house Targaryen is a merciful man, had he not been, your pretty little golden head would have been on a spike by now."

Cersei twitches with discomfort at hearing the septa's words. She knows what she did was wrong, she knows her jealousy got the better of her, she knows this doesn't look good for her and she knows she should feel lucky that king Rhaegar is a merciful man.
"I know what you're probably thinking", the septa says. "You feel lucky that king Rhaegar is a merciful man, a merciful king, you feel lucky that Jaime or his lady wife aren't the ones making decisions about this, because you know that Jaime wouldn't have been as merciful to you."
"He wouldn't have killed me", Cersei says.
"You tried having his wife and his unborn child, killed, you tried having him framed for it", the septa says. "I'm not so sure that Jaime would have just let you run, you are lucky that Jaime cares for his wife and children more than he cares for anyone else."

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