Chapter 138 - visitors from King's Landing

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The next morning while Jaime, Daemon and Lyra are breaking the fast together in the Great Hall, Bronn walks in from the yard, boots muddy and clothes sweat stained from riding, behind him in the doorway stands two visitors from King's Landing.
"M'lord, m'lady, the king's hand lord Tyrion and his wife lady Sansa are here", Bronn says, bowing to his master and mistress.
"Brother, lady Sansa, welcome", Jaime says, getting up from the high seat, holding his hands out in a welcoming gesture to his brother and his brother's young wife.

Lyra gets up from her seat beside Jaime, smiling at her cousin and brother in-law.
"Come, sit and break the fast with us, food and drink for my brother and his lady wife", Jaime says first addressing Tyrion and Sansa and then the servants. "You too, Bronn, sit and eat."
"What are we doing today, father?" Daemon asks.
"You and I have training today", Jaime reminds his son.
"Oh yes, that's right, I forgot about that", Daemon says.
"And after our training, we are going hunting, you, I, Bronn, Tyrion and Gerion and a couple of our soldiers, your lady mother will be staying here with your lady wife, Bronn's wife, your sister, lady Sansa and all the young children, being lady of Casterly Rock and rule in our family's name in my absence, she is honestly lady of Casterly Rock in her own right by now, not just because she married me and gave me sons and heirs", Jaime says. "We will return before dark."
"Mother will do a good job holding the castle in your absence, father", Daemon says.
"She will indeed, she is the lady of our castle, she grew up as lady of Winterfell, she knows how to guard a castle, she grew up guarding Winterfell in your grandfather's absence whenever he was away", Jaime says with a smile.
"Mother was born to rule, just like you were", Daemon says.
"And like you were", Jaime says. "You were born the heir to two great houses, Daemon, you were born the heir to both house Lannister and house Stark, it was only when Gerion was born that it was decided to split the inheritance, to keep you heir to Casterly Rock and make Gerion heir to Winterfell."
"To make sure that heirs of the lion and the dire wolf would rule both the north and the west", Daemon says.
"Yes, and we married your sister to prince Jaehaerys to give our family a chance at the Iron Throne", Jaime admits.
"But Jariella and Jaehaerys are divorced", Daemon says.
"But the prince is being brought up by your uncle, and your uncle is king Rhaegar's hand, so prince Jaime Targaryen is being brought up close to the throne", Jaime says. "And the king has another child on the way, your mother and I could possibly betroth Brandon to a possible princess, or we could possibly dare to try for another daughter, if the maester thinks that your mother will be able to endure another pregnancy and childbirth, he did warn me after Brandon was born that another pregnancy and childbirths would be risky for her."
"You wouldn't risk mother's health, would you?" Daemon asks his father.
"Of course not", Jaime says.
"Perhaps me and my wife could have our child married off to prince Jaime, I have a son and a daughter after all", Daemon says. "Would it be safe, do you think, father?"
"Your grandparents, lord Tywin and lady Joanna, are cousins, so I don't see why not", Jaime says.
"I will speak to my wife and Jariella about this and I will speak to uncle Tyrion while he and aunt Sansa are here, to offer my Joanna to prince Jaime", Daemon says. "It will be up to uncle Tyrion and aunt Sansa to decide, right?"
"Yes, that's right, honestly it will be up to them and your sister to decide who her son will marry", Jaime says. "And prince Jaehaerys will likely soon have a new wife, one of his father's Targaryen relatives, my advice would be to speak to your uncle while we are out hunting."
"I will speak to uncle Tyrion while we are out hunting then, to hear what he thinks of the idea to marry my daughter to Jariella's son", Daemon says.
"Good, good", Jaime says with a sweet smile.

While the lords of Lannister, Jaime, Tyrion, Daemon and Gerion, and Jaime's guard captain and a couple of his guards are out hunting, Daemon rides up to Tyrion's side to ask him about the possibility of marrying Tyrion's ward Jaime Targaryen to his cousin, Joanna Lannister, Daemon's daughter.
"Uncle Tyrion, I have something that I would like to speak to you about", Daemon says.
"What may that be, my young lord?" Tyrion asks.
"Me and my lady wife have been discussing marrying our daughter lady Joanna Lannister to her cousin Jaime Targaryen, your ward, son of my sister lady Jariella Lannister and prince Jaehaerys Targaryen", Daemon says.
"I agree to it, I will speak to my own wife, lady Sansa, and your sister, lady Jariella", Tyrion says, smiling at his nephew.

The four lords of Lannister and their soldiers return to the castle as soon as the sun goes down, Jaime, Gerion, Daemon, Bronn and Tyrion all with dead deer slung over the backs of their horses, the other quarry spread out on the backs of the other horses.

As they reach the castle, servants meet them to take care of the dead animals as well as horses as the lords go to the castle to wash and dress for the evening's feast.

Jaime finds Lyra naked on the bed in the master's chambers. Lyra pulls Jaime down on top of her and they start making gentle love before they both wash and dress before the evening's feast.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Jaime asks.
"The silver blue open backed dress with a white petticoat, the gold lion clasp belt and black shoes", Lyra says.
"Beautiful, and how will you have your hair?" Jaime asks.
"Up, with the ornamental combs you gave me", Lyra says.
"You're gonna make it a very rough dinner for me tonight", Jaime says. "I'm gonna crave you tonight."
"You will have to be gentle with me, and you won't be allowed to finish inside me", Lyra says.
"I know, I promise that I won't finish inside you, I will finish on the sheets", Jaime says. "Come now, beloved, let's go to the great hall to have dinner with our children, household and our guests."

They go to the great hall and sit down in the high seat to begin the dinner as soon as everyone is assembled together.

Later in the evening, Jaime and Lyra are gently making love, Jaime spills his seed on Lyra's stomach like he promised to do.

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