Chapter 10 - unpleasant surprises

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Lyra comes in to her and Jaime's chambers to have a rest. She's been unusually tired lately, and her monthly course has been gone for two moons.

She lifts the elk pelt and lays down, within seconds she yelps from being stung by something and Jaime, hearing her from the corridor leading to their chambers comes rushing in with Bronn, who's now the captain of their own household guard, following close behind.
"My love, are you alright?" Jaime asks, gently lifting her up in to his arms seeing the blood in the bed and blade of a sharp knife sticking up through the mattress. "What in all seven hells is that?"
"A knife...sticking up like that it is meant as a sort of curse, or to kill lady Lyra", Bronn says calmly, first lifting the pelt off the big bed, hanging it folded over a chair, then pulling out the knife.
"Get us the chambermaids and one of my lady's handmaidens", Jaime says.
"Right away, m'lord", Bronn says, rushing out the door, shouting commands and follow the girls back in to his master's and mistress's bedchamber. "Who do you think did this?"
"There's only one woman I know who is spiteful enough to do this, especially if she suspects that Lyra is already carrying my child", Jaime says. "And that woman is my twin sister Cersei."
"Why would she do this?" Lyra asks. "And how could she have done this? Your parents and brother made a point of not bringing her here."
"Jealousy", Jaime says. "She's jealous of you, because I chose you, she wanted me for herself, she wanted father and mother to allow us to marry, like house Targaryen did for generations, wedding brother to sister, to keep the bloodline pure, and I'm not so sure she couldn't have payed Arianne to do it."
"I can't imagine lord Tywin wanted to hear such talk from his own daughter", Lyra says.
"Correct, so without letting anyone other than myself, Tyrion, the king, the queen and my mother know, my father started making marriage plans for you and me with your father and uncle, while telling everyone else either that I would become a soldier in the King's Guard and wasn't free to marry anyone or that I would be betrothed to the king's youngest daughter, Shaera, although she's only 10 and still far from having her first blood", Jaime says.
"Could you send for the maester, I need to be clear about something", Lyra says.
"What?" Jaime asks.

Lyra takes Jaime's hand and lays it on her stomach, looking up at him.
"Do you feel it?" Lyra asks, waiting for him to feel the quickening of their unborn child.
"Is that?" Jaime asks and Lyra nods.
"Our child, your heir", Lyra says. "The reason I had a knife sent to me in the way it was sent."
"So Cersei was right then", Jaime says. "Her greatest fears were that I would end up actually loving you, that I would marry you and get Casterly Rock, like she knew I would if I got married, and not continue staying with her, Tyrion and our parents in King's Landing and that you would have my heir before she had birthed an heir of her own."
"Doesn't she have anyone to give an heir to?" Lyra asks.
"She will, father told me that Cersei would be betrothed to lord Robert of house Baratheon, the lord of Storm's End", Jaime says.
"He's my uncle Eddard's oldest and dearest friend", Lyra says.
"I know", Jaime says. "And I also know that your uncle wanted his eldest daughter to marry Robert."
"He did, but lord Robert's father had already made arrangements with lord Tywin for Cersei and Robert to marry", Lyra says.

In the middle of their conversation, there's a knock on the door, Bronn gets up from the table after a brief nod from Jaime, to open the door.
"Maester Creylen, come in, m'lord", Bronn says, letting the man in to the room.
"Lady Lannister, what seems to be amiss?" Maester Creylen asks.
"I believe I am with child, Maester", Lyra says. "I've been monitoring my course, and have determined that it is three weeks late."
"And the father of the child?" Maester Creylen asks.
"My lord husband", Lyra says. "I believe the child was conceived either on the night of our wedding or the night of our betrothal, that would make the child either two or three months old."
"When was the last time you bled?" Maester Creylen asks.
"The week before our betrothal, I had Jaime for the first time on night of our betrothal, I made sure that he finished inside me, so that I would possibly give him a child", Lyra says.
"I would determine you to be four months pregnant, lady Lannister", maester Creylen says.
"Are you able to tell the sex of the child yet, maester?" Lyra asks.
"Not yet, but from what I feel I would determine it to be a boy", maester Creylen says.
"A boy? Really?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, lady Lannister", maester Creylen says, nodding.
"I did it, I'm giving him a boy, I'm giving him an heir", Lyra sighs happily as if Jaime is not by her side.
"My love, we're having a boy, an heir, my heir, our heir", Jaime says, gently embracing his lady Lyra.
"Yes", Lyra says, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him to her, kissing him deeply.
"I'll be gentle with you then", Jaime says, turning to maester Creylen. "Can I still make love to her?"
"Yes, if you are very gentle with her, I see no problem with you making love, you have at least three or four months more of making love and then you should let her rest from you for the remainder of her pregnancy", maester Creylen.

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