Chapter 87 - propositions from the dragon king

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A few days later.

Jaime and Lyra sit breaking the fast with their children and their household when a servant walks in and hands Jaime a letter.
"A letter from Tyrion", Jaime says, breaking his brother's seal.
"What does your brother say?" Lyra asks.
"He writes us on behalf of king Rhaegar and queen Brianna, to offer prince Jaehaerys as a husband to Jariella", Jaime says.
"I think it's a kind offer and a wise decision for us to accept", Lyra says.
"I agree, Rhaegar is a better king and a wiser alliance than his father would have been to us", Jaime says.
"Definitely", Lyra says, turning to maester Craylen. "Maester, write the lord hand back and say we accept the offer to betroth our daughter, lady Jariella Lannister, to prince Jaehaerys Targaryen when the children are of age."
"Yes, lady Lannister", maester Craylen says. "Which seal should I use?"
"The joint Lannister-Stark seal, that we use when it's from both of us", Lyra says.
"As you say, milady", maester Craylen says, excusing himself to go send an answer to the letter from lord Jaime's brother, the king's hand, lord Tyrion Lannister.

Maester Craylen carefully writes the letter to lord Tyrion Lannister, hand of the king and lord Jaime's younger brother and marks it with the joint Lannister-Stark seal.
"Fly to King's Landing, find lord Tyrion, he will take good care of you and send you back here, back to me," master Craylen says lightly to one of his ravens as he's fastened the scroll to the bird.

When he's sent off the bird, Maester Craylen sits down at his desk.

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