Chapter 98 - news from the dragon prince

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A couple months later.

Princess Jariella wakes up in her royal husband's arms.
"Jaehaerys, send for the grand maester, something doesn't feel right", Jariella says.
"Yes, my love", Jaehaerys says, getting up from the bed and wraps his robe around himself before opening the door and calls to a servant. "Send for Pycelle, my lady wife requires his services."
"Yes, my prince", the servant says, going to get Pycelle.

A couple minutes later there's a knock on the door.
"My prince, I'm here with the grand maester", the servant says.
"Send him in, Joffrey", prince Jaehaerys says.

The door opens and grand maester Pycelle walks in.
"You asked for me, your grace", Pycelle says.
"Yes, grand maester", princess Jariella says. "I believe that I might be with child."
"Do you permit me to examine you, your grace? So that you and his grace are sure?" Pycelle asks.
"Yes, grand maester", princess Jariella says.

Grand maester Pycelle starts to examine princess Jariella while prince Jaehaerys sits down beside her and holds her hand.
"Am I with child, maester?" Princess Jariella asks.
"Yes, princess, you are with child", grand maester Pycelle says.
"Can you tell the sex of the child?" Princess Jariella asks.
"I believe it's a boy, your grace", grand maester Pycelle says.
"That's wonderful, I hope that it is a boy", princess Jariella says, smiling at her royal husband.
"Send a raven to the princess's family at Casterly Rock and tell them the good news", prince Jaehaerys says.
"Yes, my prince", grand maester Pycelle says, excusing himself to ask lord Tyrion to go send a raven to Casterly Rock to tell lord Jaime and lady Lyra about the good news that they are going to become grandparents.

The letter from King's Landing arrives at Casterly Rock three days later. It is brought to Jaime and Lyra while they are breaking the fast with their sons and their household.

Jaime breaks the seal and reads the letter out loud to his wife, sons and their household.
"To the lords and lady of Casterly Rock, it is with much joy that we bring you the news that prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark and his lady wife, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark are expected her first child/king Rhaegar of house Targaryen, second of his name, lord of the seven kingdoms, protector of the realm"
"His grace the king writes us on behalf of his son, the Prince Jaehaerys, to tell us that our daughter, princess Jariella and prince Jaehaerys are expecting their first child, and our first grandchild", Jaime says, reading the letter.
"That's wonderful news", Lyra, Daemon and Gerion say.

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