Chapter 108 - the captain and the lords

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After riding together, Jaime and Lyra ride back to the castle, Will, the stable boy, stands in the courtyard.
"Where is the captain?" Jaime asks. "And our children?"
"Lady Jariella is with her ladies, the little lords are with the captain and their horses in the paddock, m'lord", Will says.
"I see", Jaime says, dismounting and removes the saddle and other gear from Wind-sweeper, watching and waiting as Lyra does the same with Lady of the Rock, both of them handing over the gear to Will. "We'll go release them in to the paddock, leave the gear in our rooms."
"Yes, m'lord", Will says.
"Come on, boy, let's go to our sons", Jaime says to Wind-sweeper, a hand lightly on the large stallion's flank and walk to the paddock.

Wind-sweeper neighs lightly, lowering his head like he's nodding in agreement to Jaime's words about going to see their sons. As they reach the paddock, Jaime gives a sharp wolf whistle to catch the attention of two young lords and the soldier so he and Lyra can safely release their horses without their sons getting hurt by the large animals.

Bronn lifts the young lords up on to the paddock fence to get them out of harm's way should the young growing colts, the large stallion and equally large mare get a little overexcited about seeing each other.
"Wow, they look so happy to see each other", Gerion says.
"They are a family, just like you, Daemon, Jariella and your mother and father, of course they get excited to see each other, just like your parents and your siblings", Bronn says.

Wind-sweeper unashamedly mounts his mate, Lyra's favorite mare, Lady of the Rock, right in front of the two lion cubs and the soldier.
"Hey! Not in front of the children, you're worse than your master", Bronn says sharply.

The large stallion turns his head and gives Bronn a look so insolent that it makes Bronn think that had Wind-sweeper been a human male and not a massive war-bred thoroughbred stallion, he would have been Jaime.
"Lannister men and their horses", Bronn mumbles under his breath.

Wind-sweeper neighs loudly as he lets his seed in his mate. Bronn flinches and looks shocked when he hears that the horse is as loud a lover as his rider. The large stallion steps away from his mate and lets himself be cared for by Bronn and the two boys.

When he's been taken care of, Bronn and the two boys start taking care of Lady of the Rock. She clearly enjoys herself while she is being taken care of.
"You like that, do you, girl?" Bronn asks, taking care of the large mare.

Lady of the Rock neighs as Bronn brushes out her coat.

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