Chapter 148 - betrothal of lion cubs

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The next morning, Daemon and Gerion are breaking the fast with their wives and children in the great hall.
"We had a talk about something yesterday and we wanted to discuss it with you", Daemon says.
"What may that be, beloved?" Eleyna asks.
"We would like to betroth Cerenna to Lucion when they are of age", Gerion says, a bit nervous about the answer from their ladies.
"I agree to it, I think it's a wonderful idea", Wylla says.
"As do I", Eleyna says.
"Good, good, Gerion, send for the maester, tell him that your brother, the heir would like a marriage contract drawn up for our children and letters sent to lord and lady Stark at Winterfell, our grandfather and grandmother, and lord and lady Lannister in Lannisport, our grandfather and grandmother, and our aunt and uncle, lord and lady Lannister in King's Landing", Daemon says.
"Yes, brother", Gerion says, getting up from the table, opening the door and shouting at a servant girl. "Send for maester Craylen for my brother, the heir, my brother the heir would like a marriage contract drawn up for our children and letters sent to lord and lady Stark at Winterfell, our grandfather and grandmother, and lord and lady Lannister in Lannisport, our grandfather and grandmother, and a letter sent to our aunt and uncle, lord and lady Lannister in King's Landing."
"Yes, m'lord", a servant girl says, rushing to find maester Craylen.

The servant girl finds maester Craylen in his rooms.
"Maester, the ice lion would like letters sent to lord and lady Stark in Winterfell, lord and lady Lannister in Lannisport and lord and lady Lannister in King's Landing", the servant girl says.
"I'll come and do the young lord's bidding at once", maester Craylen says, following the servant girl to the great hall where they are breaking the fast with their wives and children.

Maester Craylen walks in to the great hall and up to the table where the two young lords of Lannister and Stark sit sharing a bowl of fruit and wine.
"You asked to see me, my young lords, m'ladies", maester Craylen says.
"Yes, we would like letters sent to lord and lady Stark in Winterfell, lord and lady Lannister in Lannisport and lord and lady Lannister in King's Landing, to tell them that a betrothal between our children, lord Lucion and lady Cerenna of houses Lannister and Stark when they are of age", Daemon says. "And we would like a marriage contract drawn up for when they are of age."
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says.

Maester Craylen starts writing after dictation from Daemon.
"Sign it with my name and titles", Daemon says. "And with the joint Lannister and Stark seal."
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says, finishing the letter, stamping it with the Lannister/Stark seal.

When the letters are written and marked, maester Craylen excuses himself and goes to send the letters away with some of his swiftest birds.

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