Chapter 131 - "the next time might mean her death"

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At Casterly Rock, maester Craylen seeks Jaime out to have a very important conversation with him.
"M'lord, I have been looking for you, I must speak to you on a private matter", maester Craylen says when he finds Jaime in the great hall together with his heir.
"Come, we'll go speak in my study", Jaime says, getting up from the high seat. "Stay here, Daemon, I need to have a private conversation with the good maester."
"Yes father", Daemon says lightly.

Maester Craylen and Jaime walk to Jaime's study and sit down together to have their conversation.
"Now tell me, maester, what is the reason you came seeking me out?" Jaime asks.
"It concerns your lady wife, m'lord", maester Craylen says.
"Lyra...what about Lyra?" Jaime asks.
"Lady Lyra's last pregnancy took a harder toll on her health and on her body than any one of us thought", maester Craylen says.
"What do you mean to tell me, maester?" Jaime asks, now concerned and a little scared.
"I mean to say that you have to make sure that you don't make her with child again, m'lord, because the next time might mean her death", maester Craylen says.
"Do you mean to tell me that I may not lay with her?" Jaime asks.
"You may of course, but you have to be careful so you don't make her pregnant again", maester Craylen says.
"Is there anything that can be done to prevent it, if we are still to be sexually active?" Jaime asks.
"I can brew her a kind of moon tea that she needs to drink after each time you've laid together, to prevent pregnancy", maester Craylen says. "Or you could let your seed on the sheets of your bed or somewhere on her body that won't make her pregnant."
"Does Lyra know about this? Does Lyra know that a new pregnancy might kill her?" Jaime asks. "Does Lyra know that she might never again be allowed to feel me inside her?"
"She doesn't know yet", maester Craylen says.
"And you mean for me to tell her?" Jaime asks. "You mean for me to tell my wife that we may never again lie together as husband and wife, that we may never again lie together as lovers? It would break her heart, to know she may never lie with me again as lovers would break her heart, to know she's no longer fit to conceive a child wouldn't be as hard a blow to her, since she told me after our youngest was born that she had no desire for more children, but that she would always want to lay with me even if it didn't result in a child."
"I mean for you to tell her that you may lie together as husband and wife, as lovers, as much as you want, but that you may no longer let your seed inside her, because another pregnancy would be unsafe for her", maester Craylen says.

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