Chapter 165 - "the only time a man can be brave"

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Daemon and Jaime are out riding together around the grounds of Casterly Rock.
"Father, are you never afraid when you go in to battle?" Daemon asks.
"The only time a man can truly be brave is when he's afraid", Jaime says. "But the battles I've feared more than my own has been when I've witnessed your mother's courageous battles in the birthing bed when she gave birth to you and your siblings, in fact, when Gerion was born I thought I would lose them both because the birth was a tough one on both of them, it all turned out well in the end and your brother is a healthy young man."
"A healthy young man who sleeps with our sister", Daemon says under his breath.
"What was that?" Jaime asks.
"Gerion and Jariella slept together, father, in the way that aunt Cersei wanted to do with you and the way that you and mother sleep together", Daemon says. "Jariella made me promise not to tell anyone, but I can't keep it a secret anymore."
"Are you telling me that my second son laid with my daughter, laid with your sister in the way that man and wife lay together?"Jaime asks.
"Yes, father", Daemon says. "She first came to me, wanting me to bed her but I turned her down, because she's my sister and I simply couldn't do that to my wife, then she went to Gerion and he was less hesitant to her tricks."
"Do you know where they've been doing it?" Jaime asks.
"In Gerion's chambers in the castle, in the White Sword Tower in King's Landing, where she's also had her lord husband, they've also done it under the heart tree where you and mother have had each other, I've watered the ground there with my own seed as well, and I'm certain that at least one of my children was made there", Daemon says.
"Does your mother know about this? Does your mother know about Gerion and Jariella?" Jaime asks.
"If she knew, she would have Gerion sent back to King's Landing with strict orders to uncle Tyrion to keep an eye on his nephew, or she would have him sent off to the wall and have Jariella sent to the sisters of the faith, like aunt Cersei was by grandfather", Daemon says.
"Your sister hasn't tried to kill Gerion's wife and child, like your aunt tried with you and your lady mother", Jaime says. "But I do believe that your mother would send your sister away somewhere where she wouldn't be able to sleep with Gerion."
"Gerion told me that Jariella was the one who made a man out of him", Daemon says.
"Oh seven hells, no", Jaime sighs.
"One of mother's young handmaidens made a man out of me, in my old rooms when I was 15 years old", Daemon says.
"I knew that already, you little rascal, Bronn walked past your old rooms that day, heard you with the young lady and came to me about it, I spoke to your mother and we decided that you were the be wed to your lady wife...and before you ask, your mother made a man out of me in her own rooms at Winterfell when your grandparents, uncle and I were there to agree on my betrothal to your mother, I was 16, she was 14, three years later I was captured by her father and uncle and brought to her as a trophy of war", Jaime says.
"So she'd already had you by then?" Daemon asks.
"Oh yes, she'd already had me by then, already claimed me as hers by then", Jaime says.
"But you lived in King's Landing then, didn't you? Because grandfather was the hand of the king to the old dragon, right?" Daemon asks.
"He was, and I did, but when I was 16, I was accepted in to the Lannister army and sent in to war against house Stark, your grandfather and great uncle captured me and brought me to Winterfell, where your mother was waiting, you know that story, she tortured me and took me as her lover and later it was revealed to us that plans had been made long ago for us to wed, we did, I got Casterly Rock as my seat and we started producing heirs, Jaime says.
- So you didn't know that you had already been promised to each other?" Daemon asks.
"No, we didn't know, Tyrion knew about it but had been made not to tell me about it", Jaime says. "I don't know if father and mother feared that I would try to go against it like Cersei had wanted, she was married off to your grandfather's and great uncle's friend lord Robert of house Baratheon the week before I married your mother, I think, or the week after, when she learned that I had married your mother, she was furious and raved and rambled that it wasn't fair, that I should've been promised to her and a bunch of other things."
"Is it true that she tried to come to you while you and mother were...coupling?" Daemon asks.
"Oh yes, she tried, she was stopped by a couple of our guards and a couple of lord Robert's guards, she was thrown, by Bronn, I believe, back into the chambers she shared with lord Robert while they were here and lord Robert laughed so loudly that your mother and I could hear him when Cersei landed on her ass by the foot of the bed, Cersei screamed so loud that we could hear that too, I swear we could even hear the backhanded slap Robert delivered to her face when she'd screamed at him about how I should've been hers and how it wasn't fair that I had been given to a wolf bitch, yes, your dear late aunt had the nerve to call your mother that, because your mother is a Stark, a she wolf or a wolf bitch, as Cersei put it", Jaime says.

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