Chapter 106 - "the king will roast you for this"

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Lord Daeron and Littlefinger are both brought to the darkest smallest coldest dungeons of the Red Keep and dropped in heaps on the stone floor.
"You're Daeron Targaryen, the king of the narrow sea, the young dragon's uncle, what did you do to be brought here? And you, you're one of the king's advisers, aren't you?" A summer islander in the cell across the way from Daeron's, asks.
"I heard he tried bedding the queen", another prisoner says. "And fucked two boy kids, younger than the hand's nephews."
"Sold to him by his cell mate", another prisoner says.
"Yes, I was convicted of assault of two young boy children, younger than, or of an age with the hand's nephews, the two boy children were sold to me by lord Littlefinger here beside me, on promises of him getting to bed the queen", Daeron says.
"Then it will only be a matter of time until lord Littlefinger is in an even smaller version of one of these cages", the other prisoner says with a chuckle.
"One can only hope", Daeron says, giving his cell companion a disgusted look.
"The king will roast you both for this", one of the prisoners says.

At Casterly Rock, Jaime is in the practice yard with Daemon and Bronn, Bronn sits back on the paddock fence watching his master and master's son practice.
"Young Daemon is improving, lord Jaime is a fine teacher and a fine warrior, the little lion is of fine stock, his father being the finest warrior in all of the seven kingdoms and his mother being one of the finest horse riders in the seven kingdoms", Bronn says to Casterly Rock's master of horse.
"He will be a beautiful man, like his father, young Jaime has always been a beautiful man, my daughter tried getting him to bed her when they were young, but the then young lord Lannister always turned her down, he always turned everyone down, everyone except lady Lyra Stark, he only ever wanted her", one of Casterly Rock's older washer women says to another, watching Daemon and Jaime practice.
"He sure is a beautiful man, lord Jaime", one of the younger of the washer women says.
"He's also a married man and a lord, so don't even think of trying anything with him, little girl", the older washer woman says. "And don't even think of corrupting lord Daemon, lady Lyra will have you flogged down to the bare bone, much like lord Tywin did to anyone trying anything with either his firstborn son or daughter."
"Lord Jaime has a brother, even though he's only half a man", the younger of the two washer women says.
"Lord Tyrion is married to lady Lyra's cousin, lady Sansa of house Stark, lord Tywin has made sure to spread out as many male lions as possible among the dire wolf's daughters and nieces, to prevent war and to make the Lannister clan grow", the older of the washer women says. "But you could always hope for lord Bronn, the captain of house Lannister's household guard, to wish to marry and have a son soon."
"A bastard born sell sword turned captain of a lord's household guard? Sure, he is a fine man, but he is a bastard and he's lowborn", the younger washer woman says.
"So are you, young lady, your dear dead father was a butcher's apprentice, as you well know and the captain was brought in to lord and lady Lannister's service as a wedding gift from lord Tyrion", the older washer woman says to her daughter, the younger washer woman.
"I wish lord Tywin had given Jaime to me instead of the Stark woman", the younger washer woman says.
"We both know lord Tywin would have kept his golden son in the king's guard or given him to either the faith or the Night's Watch before letting him marry a lowborn harlot like you, not to mention, lord Jaime wouldn't even take one look at you, one more lusty word from you of what you wish to do with lord Jaime and I'll sell you to the roughest pillow house in King's Landing, I'm sure the lord hand can find you proper accommodations", the older washer woman says.
"The lord hand, my husband's brother, could definitely find you proper accommodations", Lyra, coming up behind the two women, overhearing their conversation about her husband, says, holding a blade lightly against the younger woman's throat.
"Lady Lyra, forgive me, I didn't mean to overstep my bounds", the young washer woman says.
"Bronn, tell lord Jaime of what transpired here, and tell him to write Tyrion that accommodations at the roughest pillow house in King's Landing might need to be made for one of mine and his lord brother's servants", Lyra says calmly to the tall black haired man beside her, still with the blade against the younger woman's throat.
"Yes, lady Lyra, Will, help lady Lannister", Bronn says. "Hold the young harlot still like that until I return with lord Lannister, then she can explain herself to him, why her mistress is holding a blade to her throat."
"With pleasure, Captain, Will, help me," Lyra says with the same icy smirk of her father.
"With pleasure, Captain, and yes, lady Lyra", Will, now Bronn's second in command, says, grabbing the small woman and hold her in place while Lyra continues to hold the knife against her throat.

After a couple of minutes, Bronn returns with Jaime and Daemon.
"What in all seven hells is the meaning of this?! The captain of my household guard comes running like stables were on fire, to find me, telling me that he's heard one of my own servants speaking out of line in front of my wife, about wishing to replace my wife, and my captain comes to tell me that my wife is asking me to write my brother, the king's hand", Jaime asks, addressing the older of the washer women.
"My daughter, the insolent little goose held at knife point by lady Lannister, overstepped her bounds and spoke out of line to her mistress, lusting after your lordship", the older of the washer women says.
"I see, what punishment do you yourself deem appropriate for your daughter?" Jaime asks.
"Her ladyship told your captain to ask you on her behalf to write your lord brother, the king's hand, to ask him to make accommodations at the roughest pillow house in King's Landing, and I agree that it's an acceptable punishment", the older of the washer women says.
"I already wrote my brother about this matter and until a response has come from him, your daughter will be put in a cell in the castle dungeons, and upon the response from my brother, the king's hand, your daughter will be sent away to a pillow house in King's Landing", Jaime says sternly.
"Thank you, m'lord, you're a kind and generous man", the younger washer woman says.
"Is it generous of my husband to send you to a pillow house? Have you any idea what that is?" Lyra asks.
"No, lady Lannister", the young girl says. "But his lordship decided to let me keep my life."
"A pillow house is a place where some men go to spill their seed, men who, unlike lord Lannister, have wives who are unwilling or unable to please them, or they simply have no wife and spill their seed in common whores like you instead of in their wives, and not all men who come to places like that are as good and kind as my lord husband, and most of them are far from as wealthy as the men of house Lannister, the sentence my lord husband gave you is worse than death, the word no has no meaning in the roughest of those places, and you may think that women don't die in places like that, but they do, especially when the men are extra rough, the pillow house you will be sold to is one who's specialty is to let multiple men have their way with the same woman, at the same time, you will cherish the days when you'll be able to sit without pain", Lyra says.

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