Chapter 33 - Letter from Cersei

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Among the letters, Jaime notices one with the Martell seal.
"A letter from Sunspear", Jaime says.
"From auntie Cersei?" Daemon asks.
"From her or from her husband, lord Oberyn of house Martell, yes", Jaime says, breaking the seal.
"What does she say? Or is it from the viper himself? I did say he should write back when he had trueborn children, could he have gotten some off your sweet sister?" Lyra asks.
"She wants Daemon to marry her daughter Leena", Jaime says.
"No, I will not have my son marry his cousin", Lyra says.
"It's tradition, my love, would you feel better if it was Tyrion's daughter for our son?" Jaime asks. "I know how you feel about my sister."
"Is he likely to have children?" Lyra asks.

Jaime gives a little knowing smile before answering his wife's question.
"I had a letter from my brother in King's Landing brought to me when I came back from the stables after having seen how Wind-sweeper was doing, he seemed to have some trouble with his leg when I rod him yesterday, the letter said that your cousin, lady Sansa of houses Lannister and Stark, gave birth to twins three nights ago, a girl and a boy, I must have forgotten to tell you", Jaime says. "Lyanna and Brandon, named for your late aunt and uncle, I gather."
"That is wonderful news, is my cousin well? Does your brother say? And how are the children?" Lyra asks.
"Your cousin and the children are doing well, all three of them", Jaime says.
"That's wonderful news", Lyra says.
"Should I write them back to ask their daughter's hand in marriage for Daemon?" Jaime asks. "When she is of age, of course."
"Yes, my love, write your brother and my cousin back and tell them that we are happy for them and hope to see them soon, and that we would like to offer our son for their daughter to wed, when she is of age to wed and bed", Lyra says. "Or ask the maester to write a letter and send it off with our seal."
"Maester, would you be so kind as to write a reply to my brother and his lady wife", Jaime says.
"Yes, milord", maester Craylen says. "What should I write?"
"Write to congratulate my brother and his lady wife on the birth of their children, and write to offer our son Daemon as husband to their daughter Lyanna, when she is of age", Jaime says.
"Yes, milord", maester Craylen says, writing the letter and marking it with Jaime's and Lyra's joint seal before excusing himself to go send it off to lord Tyrion and lady Sansa in King's Landing.
"I hope they say yes", Lyra says when she and Jaime are alone with their children.
"I'm sure they will, me and Tyrion actually plotted this long before we had become men, that we would make sure that our sons married the others daughter and so on", Jaime says.
"Good, good", Lyra says calmly.

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