Chapter 36 - lions, wolves and dragons

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Jaime and Lyra are in King's Landing for a tourney in honor for the birth of the little prince Aemond. On the castle grounds, Jaime sees his brother Tyrion with his wife lady Sansa of house Stark and his wife's sister lady Arya with her husband Tommen of house Lannister.

From a distance Jaime sees his twin sister Cersei with her husband Oberyn of house Martell.
"Lady Lyra, you look well, are my nephews with you?" Cersei asks. "You look well too, brother."
"The boys are with our guard captain exploring the castle", Lyra says.
"Sounds like you at their age, brother", Cersei says and Jaime laughs.
"Don't tell your nephews that, sister, our young Daemon and Gerion will have our dear guard captain overworked", Jaime says laughing.
"Like their mother might overwork young Daemon's and young Gerion's father", Oberyn says, flashing Lyra a knowing smile, he knows everything his lady wife tried with lady Lyra's husband.
"The viper has a sharp tongue", Lyra says, returning lord Oberyn's knowing smile.
"Have you started thinking about betrothals for the boys yet?" Cersei asks.
"We have, nothing is decided yet, we have to think about what is best for house Stark and house Lannister, as well as consider what the boys want, we have decided that we won't make any plans for them until they are a bit older, our advisors agreed with us that no decisions had to be made for them quite yet", Lyra says.
"That is a very good idea", Cersei says. "Perhaps when we have a daughter, she could be joined with one of your sons unless they are spoken for by then."

Lyra bites back a sharp response to the other woman, that she most certainly would not sell one of her sons as husband to a child of Cersei's body. Lord Oberyn notices the catfight about to begin between his wife and her brother's wife.
"Didn't you have a proposition for your eldest boy from house Velaryon?" Oberyn asks.
"We did, for both of them actually", Lyra says quickly, the two men both knowing that it's a lie. "Arianne and Daenera, I believe was the names of the girls that lord Velaryon wanted to give to our sons as wives."
"I've seen them both", Oberyn says. "Two lovely girls that I'm sure your sons will be very happy with, and it's a good alliance for your family."
"Yes, I think it's going to be a good alliance for us", Jaime says with a little smile.
"The girls are still quite young, aren't they?" Lyra says, ignoring Cersei's attempts to rejoin the conversation.
"They are six and four, Daenera being the eldest", Oberyn says. "Lord Velaryon is likely to give them to your sons when they are nine or ten, they will likely flower at eleven, the girls of house Velaryon usually flower early."
"I will have our maester send them a raven to offer our sons for their daughters", Lyra says.
"Good idea, perhaps you can ask the king's maester to send a raven to lord Velaryon on your behalf to offer up your sons to his daughters", Oberyn says.
"I will ask the king himself or my lord father the king's hand, to send a raven to lord Velaryon and offer up my sons to his daughters", Jaime says.
"I'm sure lord Tywin will do your bidding, husband, he can't tell you no and we all know that, you are his golden son after all", Lyra says.
"I hope you're right, wife, come here, come with me and bed me, fuck me hard and wild, show me how much you enjoy my cock, show me how much you enjoy me", Jaime says, pulling Lyra with him in to the castle and in to the rooms prepared for them, kissing her wildly as he shuts the door behind them.
"Of course I'm right, husband, your father has never been able to tell you no, I'm a proof of that, my love, your father wanted you for the princess that is now married to my cousin, and I want nothing more than to pleasure you, to enjoy you, strip me, husband, strip me and then have me, anyway you want", Lyra says, kissing Jaime.
"That he did, but I never wanted the princess, I only ever wanted you", Jaime says, kissing Lyra back as he strips her naked and lays her down on the bed.
"As I only ever wanted you, my love", Lyra says, entangling her hands in Jaime's thick golden hair, giving it a tug, making Jaime moan and lean his head back as she gives him a biting kiss as he lays her down on the bed.
"Where do you want me?" Jaime asks.
"Here", Lyra says, moving Jaime's hand in between her legs, making him finger her wetness. "Hard, claim me, claim me with your cock."
"As you wish, but first...cum for me, wife", Jaime says, pumping his fingers in and out of Lyra's wet warm tight pussy.

Lyra digs her nails in to Jaime's back as he fucks her hard and fast. When Jaime pulls out of Lyra, he notices blood on himself, on Lyra and on the bed clothes.
"Jaime, send for the maester", Lyra says calmly.
"Yes, my love", Jaime says just as calmly.

The maester appears within a few minutes and examines Lyra, after a half hour long examination, he shakes his head. Lyra and Jaime have lost the child that Lyra was carrying and it must be taken out of her to save her life.

Jaime sends Lyra's maids to get hot water and clean linen while the maester prepares the tools and gives Lyra milk of the poppy to ease her pain during the procedure that must be done.
"Jaime", Lyra whimpers.
"I'm here, I'm here, my love, I'm not going anywhere, save my wife, maester", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", the maester says as he begins the process of extracting the stillborn child from Lyra's body.

For the most part, Lyra manages to push the baby out on her own, but it gets stuck as it's almost out and the maester has to pull the baby the rest of the way.
"What did we lose, Jaime?" Lyra asks, spent from the labour.
"A boy, not yet fully formed", Jaime says calmly.
"I will do better, I will give you another child, another healthy child", Lyra says.
"Hush now, my love, I don't blame you for this" , Jaime says.

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