Chapter 51 - the lion princess

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Jaime and Lyra sit together with their sons in their rooms at Casterly Rock. Bronn sits in a corner of the room to be there but to not disturb the little family.
"Boys, me and your father have some news for you", Lyra says.
"What is it, mother?" Daemon asks.
"Your father and I are expecting another baby, that will be born in about seven months", Lyra says.
"Sister or brother?" Gerion asks.
"A sister", Jaime says.
"Have you picked a name for her yet?" Daemon asks.
"We have not", Lyra says. "We have only decided to not name her after your aunt Cersei."
"Because of what she tried to do to mother, and because of what she wanted to do to father?" Gerion and Daemon asks, then quickly covering their mouths when they realize that they've just revealed that they know pretty much everything about their aunt Cersei.
"How do either of you two know anything about that, my little lords?" Lyra asks with a raised eyebrow that makes Jaime think about his sons' great uncle Eddard in his younger years when Jaime was a boy, sent to Winterfell as a ward of the man who is now his father in-law, black haired, dark eyed lord Benjen.

Bronn, in the corner, jumps, when he hears the icy Stark tone in Lyra's voice.
"The little lion lords must have overheard me and the other guards talking about how to best protect you and the lord of Lannister after the knife was found in yours and his lordship's bed, protect you two and your sons, from anything like that ever happening again, lady Lannister", Bronn says, not daring to call her by name.
"Yes, we were playing together in the great hall and overheard, I mean, the captain, and some other guards when they talked about it and how to best protect you and father from such a thing ever happening to you again", Daemon says.
"How to best protect my sons as well, I would hope, Captain", Lyra says, turning to Bronn.
"Of course, milady, me and my fellow guards were discussing how to best protect the entire little family, your ladyship, his lordship your husband and the little lords your sons", Bronn says.
"Thank you, captain, that was all, you are dismissed, go see to your other duties, I think my lord husband and I can protect our sons in our own chambers", Lyra says.

Bronn gets up and bows before the little family before dismissing himself. As he walks out, he turns his head and locks eyes with Lyra, who blinks at him, now more like his friend and lady wife to the young lord of Casterly Rock.

Jaime and Lyra sit with their sons for a while before Jaime calls for one of the servants to come get them.
"Jaime, the maester is going to examine me in the morning", Lyra says when they're alone.
"What time is the maester coming? And would you like me at your side while the maester is examining you and the baby?" Jaime asks.
"8am", Lyra says. "And yes, I would like you at my side while the maester is examining me and the baby."
"Then I will be at your side", Jaime says.
"Thank you, husband", Lyra says, giving Jaime a little kiss.
"Anything for you, wife, anything for you and our boys and the new baby", Jaime says. "I promise I will never leave your side."

The next morning, 7am.
"Good morning, wife", Jaime says, waking up with Lyra on his chest.
"Good morning, husband", Lyra says, giving Jaime a kiss on the chest. "What time is it?"
"7am, so we have an hour until the maester is coming", Jaime says.

Lyra looks over and sees the tub steaming.
"I had the servants prepare a bath for you while you were sleeping", Jaime says. "I woke up to use the chamber pot and then I had the chambermaids bring hot water for you, it's still hot."
"Thank you, my beloved husband", Lyra says.

Jaime gets up off the bed and helps Lyra in to the tub. He grabs a sponge and starts to gently wash her. When she's clean, Jaime helps her out of the tub and gets in the have a quick wash.

After his own bath, Jaime gets out of the tub and helps Lyra dress before dressing himself. Just as they are done, there's a knock on the door.
"Lord and lady Lannister, maester Craylen is here to see lady Lyra", one of the servants say outside the door.
"Send him in", Lyra says.

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