Chapter 28 - Jaime's pride

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At Casterly Rock, Jaime and Lyra are eagerly making love in their chambers, Lyra clawing at Jaime's back as he moves inside of her.
"Jaime, deeper, ah yes, just like that", Lyra moans, clawing eagerly at his smooth back.

Jaime moans as he fills her with his seed. Afterwards, Jaime wraps his arms around Lyra and pulls her against his chest. Lyra pushes her ass against Jaime's still hard cock.
"Jaime, fuck my ass, fill me up, give me every inch of your beautiful cock", Lyra moans, pushing her ass against him, having him push two fingers hard inside her ass, making her moan.

Jaime moves them around so she's on her stomach to get a better angle and pushes his cock deep into Lyra's ass, making her scream with a mixture of pleasure and pain as he fucks her. After sex, Jaime wraps Lyra back up in his arms and holds her against his chest, while still inside her, letting her feel him go limp and slip out of her.
"Daemon did wonderfully at his riding practice today, you should have seen him, you would have been so proud had you seen him, our little knight to be, the horse I picked out for him is Lion's Pride, a young stallion, a son of my warhorse Wind-Sweeper", Jaime says proudly as he holds Lyra to him as they both come down after their hard eager lovemaking.
"How fitting, my love, for our son to be riding a son of his father's favorite stallion", Lyra says, kissing Jaime's chest, playing with his hard nipple. "What does he look like, that young stallion?"
"He is light grey with a white spot on his forehead and white parts at his hoofs, he looks like his father, just like our sons look like me", Jaime says. "Hey! Don't bite that so hard."
"Mm, tasty nipple, soft tasty little nipple", Lyra mumbles giggling.

The next morning, Jaime and Lyra sit breaking the fast with their sons and Bronn.
"Father, I want to ride today, I want to ride with you", Daemon says.
"Alright, I'll have my Wind-Sweeper and your Lion's Pride saddled and readied for us after breakfast", Jaime says.
"I can go and have them saddled for you now and wait with them by the stables while you're finishing your breakfast and get ready to go riding with your son", Bronn says.
"Thank you", Jaime says, nodding to the guard captain.

Bronn walks out to the stables and saddles Wind-Sweeper and Lion's Pride for his master and master's son. Jaime and Daemon goes to get their riding clothes on, matching sets of pants, boots, tunic, jacket, gloves and Lannister cloaks.

When they are ready, they walk out to the yard, to their waiting horses and their waiting house guard captain. Jaime lifts Daemon on to the back of Lion's Pride and and mounts Wind-Sweeper, Daemon watches his father and takes the reins just like he sees his father do.
"Are you ready, Daemon? Come on then, let's ride", Jaime says, spurring Wind-Sweeper in to a trot and watches as Daemon does the same. "Good boy, are you ready to go a bit faster?"
"Yes!" Daemon giggles.
"Alright, just don't tell your mother, she would have me whipped", Jaime says and Daemon laughs as they spur their horses, the sound of his son's laughter filling Jaime with joy and pride.

"If Casterly Rock wasn't already mine, I would have gladly seen it go to Tyrion, all I need is right here, all I need is my son, my cub, the fruit of my loins, the product of my love for his lady mother, the spitting image of me, my first boy, my beautiful son, my heir, my pride and my joy" Jaime thinks to himself as he rides beside his son.

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