Chapter 142 - new weapons for the young lion

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The next day, Jaime sit breaking the fast with his son and heir, lord Daemon of houses Lannister and Stark.
"We will train with a new weapon today, Daemon, well, new for you", Jaime tells his son.
"What is it, father?" Daemon asks.
"Lance and shield", Jaime says. "Bronn will join us, and we will have a demonstration for you before it's your turn."
"We will indeed, my young lord", Bronn says, walking in to the great hall. "Where is your lovely lady Lyra this morning, m'lord?"
"Here, bring me food and ale to break the fast with my lord husband and my son", Lyra says, first addressing Bronn and then the servants.
"Yes, lady Lyra", a servant girl says, rushing to bring her mistress food.

The servant girl returns a couple minutes later with food and ale for Lyra, the servant girl brings enough food and ale for Jaime, Bronn and Daemon as well as for Lyra.
"Set it up for us, Mariana", Lyra tells one of her ladies.
"Yes, lady Lannister", Mariana says, setting the table for the lords and lady.

Daemon's wife lady Eleyna walks in together with Jariella and sits down at the table.
"Lady Cerelle asked for you, captain", lady Eleyna says, addressing Bronn.
"Where is she, lady Eleyna?" Bronn asks.
"In your rooms, captain", lady Eleyna says.
"Go to her, she needs you, take care of her and make sure she is well, you would have given me the same advice and would have urged me to go take care of my own wife", Jaime says.

Bronn gives a nod and gets up from the table and walks off to his rooms. He knows Jaime is right, of course, he would have given Jaime the same advice had it been Lyra asking for Jaime, for him to go to her, to be at her side to comfort her or do whatever she needs him to do.

After the breaking of the fast, Jaime, Daemon and Will go out to the training yard while Bronn goes to see to his lady wife. Gerion stays by his mother's side while his father and older brother goes out to the training yard.
"Gerion showed a very lordly side, staying by mother's side to guard her in your absence", Daemon says.
"Gerion was born for the position of a soldier, you and I were born to rule", Jaime says.
"You are a soldier as well, father, as am I, but we were also born to rule, to rule Casterly Rock, and Winterfell in my case", Daemon says.
"Yes, you were born to rule over two great houses, house Lannister and house Stark, you were born to be a soldier as well as to rule", Jaime says.
"You are the finest warrior in the seven kingdoms, father", Daemon says.
"Once perhaps, but I'm getting old, my boy", Jaime says.
"You're not that old, father", Daemon says.
"You are too kind, my son", Jaime says. "I will be 36 on my next name day, and your mother will be 34 on her next name day."
"Will mother be able to give you another child for your next name day?" Daemon asks.
"We believe so, but you know what the maester told me", Jaime says. "That the next pregnancy and childbirth might mean her death, I may lay with your lady mother but I'm not allowed to finish inside your lady mother."
"Oh, I forgot about that", Daemon says. "At least you get to lay together and enjoy each other as husband and wife, right."
"Yes, at least we get to lay together and enjoy each other as husband and wife", Jaime says.
"I know you and mother would be devastated if the maester said that you could no longer lay together", Daemon says.
"I'm sure you and your own lady wife will understand it one day, my son", Jaime says.
"We are almost as desperate for each other as you and mother are for each other, lovemaking is important, the captain told me when I was younger,  before I had a woman for the first time, I had a woman for the first time when I was 14, a girl in the village, a young lady of the night, I paid her a gold dragon, she was hesitant to take the gold, because I'm of your blood and seed, looks like you, and she clearly lusted for you, so laying with me was the closest she would get to having a son of Casterly Rock", Daemon admits. "My own lady wife has promised me as many children as possible."
"I hope you and your lady wife will give our family many strong, beautiful children and heirs", Jaime says. "As will your siblings, I'm sure."
"Will we still train with the new weapons today or should we wait with that until tomorrow? Daemon asks.
"We will certainly train with the new weapons today, come", Jaime says, getting up from the table, gesturing to Will and Daemon. "Will, time to go to the training yard."
"Yes, father", Daemon says, getting up from the table.
"Will, join us, help me and my son get ready for our training, and join us in the training yard", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Will says, getting up from the table and follow his lords to help them get ready for their training.

Will help Daemon dress for training while Lyra helps Jaime and then dresses herself.
"Will you watch our training, m'lady?" Jaime asks Lyra while she dresses him.
"Yes, me, lady Eleyna, lady Cerelle and Bronn will watch your training from the balustrade, m'lord", Lyra says while dressing Jaime before his training with their son.
"Wonderful, my love, come, beloved", Jaime says, holding his arm out to his lady wife.

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