Chapter 144 - lessons with the lord and lady of Casterly Rock

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Daemon sits with his lady mother, lady Lyra of house Stark, married into the title of lady Lyra of house Lannister, and maester Craylen in the maester's rooms at Casterly Rock.
"Thank you for letting us use your rooms for our lessons in High Valyrian, maester", Lyra says.
"Of course, m'lady", maester Craylen says.
"Do you have some paper and a quill?" Lyra asks.
"Here you are, m'lady", maester Craylen says, handing Lyra an ink bottle, a quill and some parchment paper.

Lyra starts writing down some simple words in High Valyrian for her son to translate into to the Common Tongue.
"Very good", Lyra says smiling proudly when she observes her son. "How about..."

Lyra starts writing again before waiting while Daemon translates the new words, from High Valyrian to the Common Tongue.
"How cleaver my son is",Lyra says proudly.
"Thank you, lady mother", Daemon says with a smile. "Will Gerion get to have these lessons too?"
"He will, but he will have his lessons with just me", maester Craylen says. "You are your lord father's firstborn son and heir, my young lord, so you will get lessons from me, from the captain, from your lord father and from your lady mother, some of your lessons will be with me and your lady mother together, some with your father and me together, some with your lord father and the captain, some with your lord father, lady mother and the captain."
"I see", Daemon says lightly.

There's a knock on the door and the maester gets up to open the door.
"M'lord, come in", maester Craylen says, holding the door open for Jaime to walk in.
"Rytsas kepa", Daemon addresses his father in his best High Valyrian.
"Daemon, your High Valyrian is improving", Jaime says with a smile. "You and I can practice together when we have one of our lessons."
"Very good, m'lord, I think it might be easier for lord Daemon to learn when practicing with his lord father", maester Craylen says.
"Practicing his High Valyrian while we are doing something that interests him might help him remember it and might help him to learn", Jaime says lightly. "I remember how I was when I was your student, maester, he is like me in that."
"I remember very well how you were when you were my student as well, m'lord, and your heir is very much like you", maester Craylen says.

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