Chapter 117 - lessons with the lady of the rock

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A couple days later.

Lyra, Jaime, Bronn, Daemon and Eleyna break the fast together.
"Lady Eleyna, you'll be spending some time with me today", Lyra says.
"Okay, lady Lyra, what will we be doing?" Eleyna asks.
"I will show you around the castle and teach you about some of my duties as lady of this castle, duties that will be yours when you're the lady of this castle", Lyra says.
"And you will have a lesson with me, Daemon", Jaime tells his heir.
"And me, m'lord?" Bronn asks. "Will I be needed somewhere today? And if so, where?"
"You're welcome to join us men if you wish but you don't have to, or you can join Lyra and Eleyna, to guard your mistress", Jaime says.
"I'll guard lady Lyra then, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Good, thank you, captain", Lyra says.
"Of course, m'lady", Bronn says with a gentle smile.

Eleyna flashes Lyra a worried look, still a bit nervous around the black haired, dark eyed soldier.
"Don't worry, he's here to protect us should it be needed, but I carry bright steel too, I more or less always do", Lyra says, showing the younger woman that she's carrying knives and a sword.
"How did you learn to use that?" Eleyna asks, seeing Lyra's sword.
"I learned from my father and uncle and the weapons master at Winterfell when I was young, I got to learn because I'm the heir of Winterfell, the heir of my father", Lyra says.
"Daemon said you have brothers, m'lady", Eleyna says.
"I do, younger brothers, and I have older male cousins who should have been heirs, but since my father, lord Benjen, the black wolf, is the head of house Stark, he decided that I, his firstborn, his eldest daughter, should be the heir of house Stark, it caused a bit of a scandal, I must say, since the customs are that the eldest son is meant to be heir, but my father decided to make me heir instead of the eldest of my younger brothers", Lyra says.
"How did your brothers and older male cousins react to that?" Eleyna asks.
"My brothers accepted it, my older male cousins were less happy about it, they wished that my father would appoint one of them heir instead of me, my father didn't want to hear such talk, he thought it was complete nonsense", Lyra says.

They continue the lessons for the rest of the day and the following couple of days.

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