Chapter 57 - the dragon king and the wolf queen

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Queen Brianna, the wolf queen, sits with her ladies when she is brought a letter.
"From your graces' sister, lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark", the maester says, handing the letter to the queen.
"Thank you, maester", queen Brianna says, breaking Lyra's personal seal, the combined shield of the wolf of house Stark and the lion of house Lannister.

"Dearest sister, congratulations on your coronation and your new title, hope this letter finds you well. Love, your sister, lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark, mistress of the north and the west, lady of Casterly Rock and heiress to Winterfell"

Brianna puts the letter down on the table in front of her just as the door to her chambers fling open and her husband, tall, silver haired and purple eyed king Rhaegar, walks in.
"I had a letter from my sister, the lady Lyra", Brianna tells her husband.
"What does your sweet sister say?" Rhaegar asks his queen.
"She writes to congratulate us on our coronation and says she hopes to see us soon and hopes that we soon will get to welcome our first heir", Brianna says.
"I would like to have her husband, the hand's son, in to my service", Rhaegar says. "And perhaps you could take lady Lyra in to your service, what do you think, my queen?"
"I think it's a good idea, husband, but I honestly don't think that lord Lannister will accept it, I think that he thinks he would do more good by my sister's side at Casterly Rock", Brianna says.
"You're probably right, my queen", Rhaegar says. "Perhaps I could ask uncle Daeron to become my hand, what do you think of that idea, my queen?"
"Your uncle Daeron would make a good hand", Brianna says. "Even though your uncle tried getting my sister to bed him, and nearly got beaten up by her lord husband."
"I remember, he told me about that, I could hardly believe that my uncle could be that foolish, trying to bed the hand's daughter in-law", Rhaegar says. "It would have been a dangerous thing to do."
"My sister turned your uncle down though, didn't she?" Brianna asks.
"Of course she did, she always turned him and every other man down, she had no interest in neither me nor him, the only man your sister has ever wanted is the hand's son, her husband", Rhaegar says.

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