Chapter 65 - "I would never leave you for her"

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That evening, Jaime and Lyra lay talking and cuddling in their bed in their rooms.
"Would you ever leave me for her?" Lyra asks.
"For who?" Jaime asks.
"Cersei, would you ever leave me for Cersei?" Lyra asks.
"No, my love, no, never, I would never leave you for her, ever", Jaime says.
"Not for anyone else either, right?" Lyra asks.
"Of course not, my love, I would never leave you for her", Jaime says. "Nor would I ever leave you for anyone else, I promise."
"Jaime, I want to do weapon's practice tomorrow", Lyra says.
"Alright, how would you like to do it? From horseback? Or some other way?" Jaime asks.
"From horseback, and in other ways as well", Lyra says.
"Alright", Jaime says. "I'll speak to Bronn in the morning, he can help us out, and bring the boys with him so they can watch us, we can leave Jariella with your handmaidens or with the children's servants."
"Good idea, my love", Lyra says.
"Let me hold you while we drift off to sleep, my love", Jaime says.

Lyra curls up in Jaime's arms, wraps an arm around his waist and places the other across his chest as they drift off to sleep.

The next morning Jaime tells Bronn and a couple servants that he and Lyra plan to do weapons training in the training yard. Jaime asks Bronn to bring Daemon and Gerion along to watch and learn and he tells the children's servants to watch Jariella.
"Bronn, can you bring the boys to the training yard?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, m'lord, will you need your horses?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, me and Lyra will need our horses", Jaime says.
Then I'll see to it that your horses are ready", Bronn says.
"Thank you, good", Jaime says.
"Of course, I serve you and your family", Bronn says.

Bronn brings Daemon and Gerion with him to the stables, getting Wind-sweeper and Lady of the Rock ready for Jaime and Lyra and lead them out to the training yard and hold on to them while watching Jaime and Lyra do some swordplay.

Jaime instructs Lyra how to stand and how to move.
"Attack me, good, high, low, low, left, left, right, right, high, mind your footwork, that's it, switch hands, just like that, low, left, right, right, low, high, high", Jaime says. "That's it, baby, good."

After an hour's swordplay, Jaime and Lyra put their swords to the side and Jaime gestures to Bronn to bring forth the horses. Jaime gets up on Wind-sweeper's back and Lyra gets up on the back of Lady of The Rock.

They spur the horses on to a trot and line up next to each other in front of a triple bar.
"Come on, boy, let's show our girls what we can do", Jaime says, spurring Wind-Sweeper on, leaping over the triple bar with ease, like both horse and rider were still young. "Good boy, see, we're not too old for that yet, you and I."

Lyra spurs Lady of the Rock on and together they leap over the triple bar after their mates. Daemon and Gerion both let out a breathy "wow" watching their parents handle their horses.
"Your mother and father were practically both born on horseback", a familiar voice says behind Daemon, making him spin around in surprise.
"Grandfather Tywin!" Daemon says, jumping up in his lord grandfather's arms.

A voice behind Tywin chuckle at seeing the heir's expression.
"Grandfather Benjen!" Gerion says, jumping up in his other lord grandfather's arms. 
"Hello, my prince, Bronn, could you alert the lord and lady?" Benjen says lightly.
"Of course, lord Stark", Bronn says, giving a wolf whistle to alert Lyra and Jaime.

They hand their weapons to Bronn and hand their horses to a stable boy to attend to.
"Father, lord Benjen, what a pleasant surprise", Jaime says smiling, wrapping an arm around Lyra.
"Father, lord Tywin, you should have alerted us so we could have welcomed you properly", Lyra says.
"Nonsense, daughter, lord Tywin and I are just here to visit our children and grandchildren, we are just passing through, me on my way back to Winterfell and lord Tywin to King's Landing", Benjen says.
"You travel together? From where?" Lyra asks.
"Storm's End, we were there to visit lord Robert and his new bride and the children, two of Robert's paramours have given him children, both women gave him sons, and his new bride is expecting", Tywin says. "Young Gendry has began to look like a young version of Robert."
"Who is lord Robert's new bride?" Lyra asks.
"Lord Robert's new bride is a woman from the Summer Isles", Tywin says. "Or from the Sapphire Isles, I don't quite remember which, but I think it might have been the Sapphire Isles now that I think about it"
"A Tarth woman? Robert's new bride is a Tarth?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, Jaime, I believe that Robert's new bride is a Tarth woman", Tywin says.
"Pretty and strong, but not very clever, this son of yours, m'lord", Benjen says.

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