Chapter 55 - the dragon prince and the wolf princess

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A couple weeks later.

Jaime, Lyra and their children are in King's Landing, Lyra's cousin Sansa and her husband, Jaime's younger brother, Tyrion welcome them to the capital.
"Cousin Lyra, you look well, motherhood and marriage becomes you", Sansa says.
"Lady Sansa, dear cousin, you look well", Lyra says.

Behind Sansa and Tyrion, a young woman comes to greet the guests from Casterly Rock, the woman is Lyra's younger sister, princess Brianna with her husband, prince Rhaegar.
"Sweet sister, or do I have to call you princess Brianna now?" Lyra says.
"Between us, you don't have call me by title, oh motherhood and marriage becomes you", Brianna says, giving her older sister a hug, turning to the tall golden blonde younger man by Lyra's side. "Lord Lannister, you look well, fatherhood and marriage becomes you, I hope you're good to my sister."
"I wouldn't dare to hurt your sister, princess Brianna", Jaime says.

The next morning, Jaime and Lyra are summoned to the king. He summons them to his own chambers rather than the throne room. The old dragon king looks weak and withering.
"Lord and lady Lannister, welcome to King's Landing", king Aerys Targaryen says.
"Your grace, you look well", Jaime says.
"Jaime, son of Tywin, you're as golden tongued as your father, but there's no need to hide the truth of things, as you both can see, I'm dying, there's no reason to hide the truth", king Aerys says. "I know you both know my son, prince Rhaegar, well and his wife is lady Lannister's younger sister, is she not?"
"Yes, your grace, princess Brianna is my younger sister, when the arrangements made for myself and prince Rhaegar fell through, it was decided that my sister would marry the prince in my stand", Lyra says.
"Oh yes, that's right, now I remember, because you and the prince were better off as friends, and because he wanted your sister and you wanted your lion lord", king Aerys says. "Now to my question, tell me the truth, do you two think that prince Rhaegar would make a good king?"
"Yes, your grace, I think the prince would make a good king, a just king, like yourself, sire", Jaime says.
"I agree with my lord husband, the prince would make a good and just king, like yourself, sire", Lyra says.
"He is inexperienced", king Aerys says.
"He will have good advisors around him, your grace", Jaime says. "And with the help from good advisors, I think the prince will eventually make a good king."
"Thank you, now leave me, I need my rest, would you be so kind as to send for my maester with some dream wine to help me sleep", king Aerys says.
"Yes, your grace", Jaime says as he and Lyra leaves the king's chambers. "Maester, the king requested some dream wine to help him sleep."
"I'll go see to the king at once", grand maester Pycelle says, quickly going to fetch the dream wine for the king.
"Pycelle, my uncle does not speak kindly of that man", Lyra says when they are back in their rooms.
"Since he watched your other uncle and grandfather being boiled in the throne room when you were but 14, I don't blame lord Eddard at all, I was there that day, I was 16 years old", Jaime says.

Jaime and Lyra lay back on the bed and rest after their long journey. While they're sleeping, the wet nurse tend to Jariella while Daemon and Gerion are exploring the castle with Bronn.

The next morning, Jaime and Lyra are woken in their rooms by Jaime's father, Tywin, the king's hand, with the news of the passing of king Aerys Targaryen.
"His grace the king passed away peacefully in his sleep", Tywin says.
"What will happen now?" Jaime asks.
"Fourteen days of mourning, on the fifteenth, the coronation of Prince Rhaegar and princess Brianna", Tywin says.

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