Chapter 161 - new horses

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The next morning, Jaime and Lyra are breaking the fast with their sons and Bronn in the great hall when Will walks in and up to Bronn, next to Daemon at the table
"The lord's new horses have arrived, captain", Will says. "Four stallions and four mares, the stallions are two grey ones, a white one and a black one, the mares are two grey ones and two black ones."
"Where are they, Will?" Bronn asks.
"In the paddock where the foals are kept they when there are any", Will says.
"Sit down and have a bite to eat with us, Will, after we've broken the fast, we'll go to the paddock and have a look at father's new horses, Bronn, make room for him", Daemon says.

Bronn nods with a sweet smile and moves his plate and cup of ale closer to himself and makes room for Will between himself and Daemon.
"Sit with us, boy", Bronn says.
"Yeah, sit with us, Will", Daemon says.
"Thank you, my young lord", Will says, sitting down between Daemon and Bronn, turning to a servant girl. "Food and ale, I'll have the same as the young lion."
"Yes, m'lord", a servant girl says, going to bring food and ale for Will.
"Lord Benjen of Winterfell suggested that the new mares he gifted his daughter should be paired with Wind-sweeper and three other strong war stallions and that the new stallions he gifted his daughter should be paired with Lady of the Rock and three other mares", Bronn says.
"My lord father must've forgotten that Lady of the Rock is likely to harm any stallion who tries to take her other than Wind-sweeper and that Wind-sweeper is like to reject the advances of any other mare than Lady of the Rock, our horses are us and we are our horses, Lady of the Rock kicks and bites if any stallion other than her lover tries to mount her, Wind-sweeper backs away from any other mare than Lady of the Rock, he'll sniff the other mares but then he mounts his lover in front of them, much like his master would do to me if he was given the chance", Lyra says with a smirk.
"Indeed, our horses are part of us and you are likely to harm any man who tries to take you other than father and father will likely reject any woman other than you, mother", Daemon says.
"She is also likely to harm even your father when he tries to take her without her wanting him to and she has done so", Jaime says with a smirk and Daemon and Bronn laughs.
"She has in deed harmed your father when he tried to take her without her consent", Lyra says. "You've seen your father's back, Daemon, I add marks to it twice a month, with a riding crop or a knife."
"A knife?" Daemon asks.
"With this, it has felt your father's skin and tasted your father's blood a couple times, I use the same riding crop on your father as I do on my horses", Lyra says, showing her son and heir one of her Valyrian steel knifes in her belt, handing it to him hilt first.
"It's a beautiful blade, mother, very worthy of the lady of Casterly Rock and Winterfell", Daemon says with a smile.
"Is this one the blades you got from me or lord Jaime on your wedding day, m'lady?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, it's one that you gave me on my wedding day, captain", Lyra says. "Come now and let's go have a look at the new horses."

Lyra, Jaime, Daemon, Gerion, Bronn and Will go out to the paddocks and have a look on the new horses. Wind-Sweeper, Prince of the Rock, Lion's Pride, Lady of the Rock, Wolf's Price and Winter-Wind neigh loudly when they smell their masters, coming up to meet them, snorting with displeasure when their masters walks past them to inspect the new horses coming to welcome their new masters, the new stallion come first to curiously sniff their new masters, the new mares comes after them to do the same.
"Here's Snowfall", Will says, presenting the white stallion with grey markings on his face and flanks, to his new masters.
"He's beautiful", Lyra says, placing a hand lightly on his flank.
"And here is Honor", Will says, presenting one of the grey stallions to his new masters.
"A strong one, he looks like he would make a fine war horse either for me or for one of my sons", Jaime says, placing a hand lightly on his flank.
"This is Strength", Will says, presenting the black stallion.
"He looks like he's living up well to his name", Daemon says.
"This is Shadow", Will says, presenting the second grey stallion, this one with white markings where Snowfall has his grey markings.
"He is living up to his name well too it seems", Jaime says. "Now let us see the new mares."
"This is Dancer", Will says, showing them one of the grey mare.
"She's beautiful", Gerion says.
"This is Darkness, her partner is Strength", Will says, showing them one of the black mares.
"We shall have them paired then", Jaime says.
"This is Midnight", Will says, showing them the other black mare.
"What a beauty, I think she and Prince would make a fine pair", Daemon says.
"This is Summer Snow", Will says, showing the last mare, the second grey mare. "Her partner is Snowfall."

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