Chapter 48 - "she tried to kill Lyra and have Jaime killed?"

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"So she tried to kill Lyra through Jaime? She tried to kill Lyra and have Jaime killed for it? She must have known that had Jaime been charged with the murder of his wife", the septa says.
"Yes, she tried to kill her brother's wife with his body", Tywin says. "I don't think she thought that anything would happen to Jaime had Lyra died, or her reasoning was that if she herself couldn't have him, no one else would."
"How did she even get the idea to kill Lyra? And how did she get the idea to do it with a knife in Jaime's and Lyra's bed?" The septa asks.
"Jealousy, that Jaime picked Lyra and not Cersei", Tywin says.
"Cersei has always been a jealous woman, I've noticed that in my conversations with her, she's mentioned her sexual desires for her brother and the jealousy of his marriage to lady Lyra set her off", the septa says.
"I guess she has told you about what she has tried with Jaime?"Tywin asks.
"Oh yes, she's told me about that", the septa says.
"Your thoughts on it, septa?" Tywin asks.
"Your lady daughter is an argumentative ungrateful selfish self centered lusty beast of a woman who thinks all men lust for her, especially her beautiful twin brother Jaime, she hates Jaime's wife because she is the only woman that Jaime wants", the septa says.
"You're definitely not wrong in those assumptions", Tywin says. "My daughter has always been an ungrateful little beast who hates all other women, especially Jaime's wife, lady Lyra simply because Jaime chose his wolf bride and not Cersei."
"Is that part of the problem? That Jaime's wife is of house Stark? And that houses Stark and Lannister were longtime enemies when Jaime met his lady wife?" The septa asks.
"To Cersei I think it is, but it's never been a problem for me, I get along famously with my daughter in-law and the lords Benjen and Eddard, lady Lyra's father and uncle", Tywin says. "And my lady wife gets along very well with lady Lyra's mother and aunt."
"That's wonderful, that you get along so well with men who started as enemies of your house", the septa says.
"My lady wife thought I had gone mad when I mentioned joining lord Eddard and lord Benjen hunting at Winterfell", Tywin says. "And accepting the offer from lord Benjen for Jaime to marry Lyra."
"She didn't accept the offer?" the septa asks.
"Oh, she did, she just wasn't sure how safe the alliance with house Stark would be, Jaime and Lyra had already discussed that and decided that the alliance would be a good one for both houses, it would make the north strong to have the backing of house Lannister, she is the heir of house Stark and he is the heir to house Lannister", Tywin says.
"She's the heir to house Stark? A woman as heir?" The septa asks.
"It was lord Benjen's decision, that Lyra would be his heir, her and not one of her brothers as is tradition, she is the eldest, and despite her sex, in the north, she is first in line to inherit Winterfell and it's land after her father and mother", Tywin says.

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