Chapter 157 - the lord's nameday

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Two weeks later.

Lyra wakes before her lord husband and carefully gets out of the bed without waking him. She slips on a robe before she opens the door and sees Bronn stand to attention guarding the master's bed chamber.
"Good morrow, lady Lyra", Bronn says when he sees his mistress.
"Good morrow, captain", Lyra says, turning to one of Jaime's groomsmen passing by. "Have hot water and oils brought to lord Jaime, and have something light brought for us to break the fast."
"Yes, lady Lyra", the groomsman says.
"Have the heir, his siblings, children and their households woken, Captain, have their servants tend to them, the lord and I are safe in our rooms until you return", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Bronn says.

Lyra assembles a set of clothes for Jaime, silk small clothes, white linen pants, a dark grey silk tunic, a silver belt with two lionesses facing each other, guarding his manhood for her, the belt a name day gift to him from her.

Together with the clothes, she picks out black boots, his beautiful crimson red Lannister cloak and his jewelry spread out on a black velvet cushion on the side of her makeup table.

When Jaime has had his morning bath, Lyra helps him dress and carefully puts Jaime's rings on his long slim fingers and a simple silver chain around his neck. She steps back and looks him up and down.
"Such a beautiful husband", Lyra says with a smile.

When they are both dressed and ready, there's a knock on the door.
"The food is ready in the great hall, m'lord, m'lady", the servant girl says.
"We'll come there at once", Jaime says.

In the doorway, Bronn stands behind the heir and the other children, his own among Jaime's and Lyra's children and grandchildren.
"Father, mother, let us escort you to the great hall where father's name day breakfast is served", Daemon says.

Jaime holds his arm out to Lyra as they walk to the great hall. Lyra lightly places a gloved hand on his arm. They walk together to the great hall and take up their places in the high seat together with their children and grandchildren.
"Your guests from the capital have arrived", one of the guards tells Jaime and Lyra.
"What guests from the capital?" Jaime asks puzzled by Lyra's secret smile.
"Show them in", Lyra says with a smile. "Have our other guests arrived?"
"Yes, lady Lannister, they are waiting to be shown in", the guard says.

The guards open the door and in walks Tyrion, Sansa and their children together with Arya and Tommen and their children. Behind them, Tywin and Joanna walk in before Benjen and Ariella and Lyra's other invited Stark relatives.
"Welcome, dear family, to our home and to the name day celebration of my husband, lover, lord and master, lord Jaime of house Lannister", Lyra says proudly, flashing Jaime a smile that makes his manhood twitch.

Lyra notices Jaime's manhood about to awaken like a hungry lion from sleep, in his pants and pinches the back of his hand.
"Hey! Careful, you pinched me", Jaime whispers under his breath.
"To stop your manhood from waking up before you've sat down and can hide it with help from the table", Lyra whispers in his ear.
"Oh, oops", Jaime sighs, glancing down and seeing his manhood going down.
"You can have me later, but not until we are alone and until the festivities are over", Lyra says.
"I'm looking forward to tonight", Jaime says against Lyra's hair.
"Me too, I look forward to playing with it tonight", Lyra whispers against Jaime's neck. "I have a special gift for you tonight."
"Can I request a birthday gift?" Jaime asks.
"What would you like as a birthday gift?" Lyra asks.
"Your mouth around my manhood and your fingers inside me and my sack in your hand", Jaime says.
"I would gladly do that to you, my love", Lyra says.
"I can hardly wait", Jaime says with a sweet smile.
"I can hardly wait either", Lyra whispers against Jaime's neck, making it look like she's kissing his neck.

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