Chapter 68 - Varys

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Six months later.

A woman that Cersei has never seen before approach her while she's doing her chores with the sisters of the faith.
"A letter, from your brother", the woman says, sneaking Cersei a letter, written in what looks to be Jaime's hand, but unbeknownst to Cersei, definitely not from Jaime and not even by his hand.

"Sweet sister, I'm in King's Landing without my lady wife's knowledge, meet me by the street of silk as soon as it's dark, tell no one, yours always/Jaime" 
"This came with the letter", the woman says, handing Cersei a small vial.
"What is it?" Cersei asks.
"The lord said 'to hide evidence'", the woman says. "Drink it as you get to the place of your meeting, and all evidence of what might happen between you is as if it never happened."
"Moon tea?" Cersei asks.
"It's better than moon tea", the woman says lightly. "Trust me on that, now, I must go, before anyone sees me talking to you, hide the vial and remember what I said, drink it as you get to the place of your meeting."

With those words, the woman disappears, leaving Cersei feeling confused, excited and a little aroused with prospects of the evening to come.

That evening, as soon as it's dark, Cersei sneaks out to meet whom she is sure, is Jaime, as she gets to the place where she is told the meeting will take place, she brings forth the vial from her pocket, opens it and drinks it's contents.

When she feels her legs give way and she falls, she hears a familiar voice, the voice of the woman who gave her the letter, the vial and the instructions where to go and when, is heard again, first behind her then in front of her.

Before falling into unconsciousness, she locks eyes with the woman, the woman's appearance change and Cersei finally realizes who she really is.
"Varys, you snake", Cersei manages before falling unconscious.
"House Stark send their regards", Varys says, slinking away in to the night.

Behind him, Varys hears people come running to aid Cersei as she lays unconscious in the middle of the street of silk. Some men from the city watch recognize the clothing as that belonging to a sister of the faith and swiftly help carry Cersei back to them.

Cersei remains unconscious for 6 hours before waking.
"What happened?" Cersei asks.
"I would very much like you to explain that", the septa says. "Some men from the city watch bring you back here unconscious from the streets of silk."
"I was given a letter from Jaime while I was doing my chores, he wrote to tell me to meet him on the street of silk as soon as it was dark", Cersei says.
"Your obsession with your twin brother is obscene, it has to stop", the septa says. "He never wanted you, he was never meant for you and he will never be yours, this time your obsession nearly got you killed."
"There was a woman and then the woman was gone and instead of a woman, it was the king's master of whispers", Cersei says.
"That's a hefty accusation, accusing the king's master of whispers of an assassination attempt", the septa says.
"Ordered by either the queen or the queen's whore of a sister", Cersei says and the septa slaps her, hard.
"Your hatred of the queen and her older sister, your brother's wife, is an absolute obsession, your hatred of them simply because they are of house Stark and their husbands, your brother Jaime and his grace king Rhaegar, two men you lust after, turned you down and chose the women they love instead of a woman hungry only for power and her own glory, is obscene", the septa says. "Neither of those men were meant for you, neither of those men wanted you, neither of those men will ever be yours."

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