Chapter 81 - the royal spare

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Six months later.

Queen Brianna sits with her ladies and prince Jaehaerys in her royal rooms when there's a knock on the door
"Where is his grace my husband the king this morning?" Queen Brianna asks.
"He is out hunting, your grace", the servant girl says.
"Send a message to his grace that I have news that is for his ears only", queen Brianna says.
"Yes, your grace", the servant girl says, going to find the maester to have him send a message to the king.

The messenger is sent off with a note from the queen to the king.
"Your grace, your grace, my king!"  the messenger shouts, getting king Rhaegar's attention.
"Yes?" King Rhaegar says with a raised eyebrow.
"A message from the queen, your grace", the messenger says, handing over the note from queen Brianna.
"My queen has news for me?" King Rhaegar asks, reading the note from his queen. "What news, she says she has news for me, but she doesn't write what the news are."
"I believe her grace didn't dare to write it in a letter, should the letter fall in to other hands than your grace's kingly hands", the messenger says.
"She is a wise woman, my queen", king Rhaegar says, a bit impressed with his queen.

Back at the castle, king Rhaegar goes to find his queen, he finds her together with prince Jaehaerys in the royal apartments.
"I have some news for you, husband", queen Brianna says when king Rhaegar walks in.
"Oh? Do tell me what those news are, my queen", king Rhaegar says.

Queen Brianna gets up from the table and walks up to her husband. When she stands face to face with him, she takes his hand and lay it against her stomach without saying a word.
"A baby? You're with child again?" King Rhaegar asks and Brianna gives a small nod.
"Yes, I am with child again", queen Brianna says.
"A son or a daughter?" King Rhaegar asks. "Not that it matters to me, even if it does to the realm."
"The maester thinks it's another prince", queen Brianna says. "An heir and a spare."
"A second son would be just as precious to me as our Jaehaerys is, like how your sister and her lord husband, the hand's son, see their sons", king Rhaegar says lightly.
"The hand's son, my sister's husband, seems to have influenced you, by making all his children, his and my sister's heirs", queen Brianna says.
"He is right, inheritance should be shared between all the children, no matter the gender of the child", king Rhaegar says.

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