Chapter 137 - how Jaime got his moniker

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"Father, how did you get your moniker 'Kinslayer'? I heard someone whisper it under their breath while we were riding through the streets yesterday but I didn't understand what they meant by it, that's why I'm asking you about it, what caused it?" Daemon asks his father.
"Oh that...well, I accidentally killed my cousin Willem Lannister, born Hill, one of my uncle's naturalized bastards, in a duel when I was 16, he was 14 or 15", Jaime says lightly. "I wasn't just older, I was also stronger and a more skilled fighter than him."
"I see, so it wasn't even your fault really", Daemon says defending his father's actions as a youth.
"Are you defending me, Daemon? I was a stupid stubborn little shit and I should have known better than to duel him just because he begged me to do it", Jaime says.
"But father, we all know you are the most dangerous and skilled warrior in the seven kingdoms, no use denying that, your cousin Willem should have known better than to duel you, uncle Tyrion told me how deadly you were even at 16", Daemon says, impressed and proud of being the son and heir to the deadliest warrior in the seven kingdoms.
"My brother and his big mouth", Jaime sighs rolling his eyes.
"I wish I was as great a warrior as you, father", Daemon says.
"You will be with a bit more training", Jaime says. "You can almost best me already."
"The only one who can truly match him is your lady mother", Bronn tells Daemon, sitting behind the two lords. "Your lady mother is a better warrior than me even, if she wasn't the lady of the house, I'm sure she would have had my position as guard captain."
"Mother?" Daemon asks in disbelief.
"Yes, your mother, lord Benjen Stark's heiress, the black wolf's heiress, the beautiful young she wolf of Winterfell, the lion's lover who held me, the deadliest warrior in the seven kingdoms, captive for months, torturing me to within an inch of my life before having me nursed back to health and taking me as her lover and later husband", Jaime says. "Her moniker was nearly lion's bane rather than lion's lover, had I died, it would have been, and house Lannister and house Stark would likely have been at war for many more years than our houses were at war."

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