Chapter 77 - training with the lion

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A couple days later Jaime and Lyra are woken by their chamber servants.
"The maester is here to see lord Jaime", Jaime's manservant says.
"Send him in", Jaime says. "And then send for water and oils, Lyra will wash me."
"Yes, m'lord", the manservant says, opening the door for the maester.
"How are we doing today, m'lord?" maester Craylen asks.
"A little stiff but I'm well, maester", Jaime says.
"Understandable, you're bound to be stiff while you're healing, m'lord", maester Craylen says, removing Jaime's bandages. "Lady Lyra, help your lord husband wash before I change his bandages."
"Yes, maester", Lyra says, gently washing Jaime.

When Jaime is clean, Lyra helps him get out of the tub and dab his arm dry with a clean cloth. When he is dry, Lyra gently drapes a towel around his slim waist, covering his large, heavy, limp manhood.
"When I've changed his bandages, you could serve him if you both wish it," maester Craylen says, noticing the desire dancing in the lord and lady's eyes.
"Will he be allowed to train after we've broken the fast, maester?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, lady Lyra, he will be allowed to train after breaking the fast," maester Craylen says.
"Tell Will, the Captains second in command, that lord Jaime and I will need our training weapons and our horses ready after we've broken the fast," Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says, excusing himself to go find Will.

Maester Craylen finds both Will and Bronn in the great hall breaking the fast with the rest of the Lannister army.
"Will, lady Lyra asked me to tell you that she and lord Jaime will need their training weapons and horses ready after they've broken the fast", maester Craylen says.
"Yes, maester", Will says, getting up from the table.
"Join me, maester, and tell me how lord Jaime is doing", Bronn says, gesturing for maester Craylen to take the seat that before was occupied by Will.
"He is well, healing like expected, I suggested that both you and lord Jaime would train with lady Lyra until you are properly healed", maester Craylen says.
"Good, good", Bronn says.

Maester Craylen nods and sits down at the table with Bronn, waving at a servant girl.
"Bread, butter, ale, bacon, two eggs and fruit", maester Craylen says.
"Yes, maester", the servant girl says, going to get the food for the maester.

After they've broken the fast, Jaime, Lyra and Bronn go to get their training weapons and then to the stables to get their horses. They lead their horses out to the training ground and Jaime and Lyra mount their horses while Bronn waits with his.
"Mount up", Lyra says. "To not strain you too bad, my beloved, we will just ride for now, to see what you can do, Jaime, to see what muscles we need to work with."

They ride around the training yard while Will is watching them from a corner and holding on to their weapons.
"Our bows, Will, hand them to me and I'll hand Jaime's over to him, and Bronn's lighter bow over to him", Lyra says, riding up to Bronn with Jaime beside her. You can watch us to observe how they are doing.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Will says, handing over the bows and quivers to her and watch as she hands Jaime's bow and quiver to him and then does the same with Bronn.
"Thank you, now let's see how well you can bend your bow", Lyra says, watching as Jaime and Bronn bends their bows and does the same. "Good, just bend it for now, bend it a couple times, let your bow know the strength of your fingers, put an arrow on the string, aim and let it fly and meet it's mark."

Jaime bends his bow, aims and lets the arrow fly, it finds its mark with a thump and quaver a bit before it stills.
"A fine hit, m'lord", Bronn says impressed that even an injured Jaime can work a bow just as well as a fully functioning lord Jaime Lannister. "My turn."
"A very fine hit, lord husband", Lyra says, equally impressed by her husband's ability as a warrior. "Will, send for the maester, tell him he needs to see how well the lord and the captain are doing."
"Yes, lady Lyra", Will says, excusing himself to go find maester Craylen.

He find the maester in his rooms.
"Maester, lady Lyra asked me to come find you, she, lord Jaime and the captain wanted to show you how well lord Jaime and the captain are doing with their training", Will says.
"Show me to them, Will", maester Craylen says, following Will out to the training yard.
"Yes, maester", Will says, walking beside maester Craylen out to the training yard.

The two men walk out to the training yard and watch Lyra, Bronn and Jaime in training. Maester Craylen smiles as he watches the trio practice together.
"It looks very good, Lyra is a fine training companion to her lord husband and the captain", maester Craylen says.
"She is a warrior like her husband and she is as good as both of those men with weapons", Will says. "Her father and uncle trained her when she was a child."
"Jaime, Bronn, sword", Lyra says, unsheathing her sword and watch Jaime and Bronn do the same and the trio clash steel.

They clash steel with each other standing on the ground in the training yard for half an hour and then sheath the steel and mount their horses and unsheathe their swords again and clash steel with each other again, from horseback.

The three swift and slim warhorses, two of them mates like their masters, train together for another half hour before their riders get off their horses and lead them back to the stables and call for Will to take care of their weapons.

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