Chapter 146 - marriage of a second son to a second daugter

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Three weeks later.

Daemon and Gerion are breaking the fast together in the great hall when Jaime and Bronn walk in from the training yard and Lyra walk in with her daughter, daughter in-law and handmaiden, Jariella, Eleyna and Cerelle.
"Good morning, wife", Jaime says, leaning in to give Lyra a kiss before sitting down at the head of the table next to his lady wife. "Bring food and drink for myself, my wife, my daughter, daughter in-law, the captain and his wife."
"Yes, m'lord", the servants say, rushing to do their master's bidding.
"Good morning, husband", Lyra says, returning Jaime's kiss. "We had a letter from one of my Stark banner men."
"From one of your father's banner men, you mean", Jaime says.
"Technically one of my father's banner men, yes", Lyra says. "House Glover, the letter is from lord Glover himself."
"What does lord Glover say?" Jaime asks.
"He wants our Gerion for his second daughter, lady Wylla, she is 14 and flowered", Lyra says.
"It's a smart match, allies to your house, and hopefully to mine through Gerion", Jaime says with a smile.
"It is indeed, I will make sure to have a raven sent to lord Glover to offer our son as husband to lord Glover's young daughter", Lyra says. "Mirena, send for maester Craylen, tell him that I and lord Lannister would like to have a letter sent on behalf of our son, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark."
"Yes, lady Lannister", her handmaiden Mirena Rivers, says, going to find the maester for her mistress.

Mirena finds maester Craylen in his rooms.
"Maester, lady Lyra and lord Jaime are asking for you, they would like a letter sent to lord Glover on behalf of their son lord Gerion, to offer himself as husband to lord Glover's second daughter, lady Wylla", Mirena says.
"I'll come at once to do the lord and lady's bidding", maester Craylen says, getting up from his desk and follow the young woman to the great hall where the lords and ladies sit breaking the fast and spending quality time together. "You asked for me, m'lords, m'ladies."
Yes, we would like to have a letter sent to lord Glover at Deepwood Mott, to offer our son, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, the summer wolf, as husband to lord Glover's daughter, lady Wylla if she will have him", Jaime says. "Sign it with his lady mother's name and titles, lord Glover is lady Lyra's father's banner man, after all."

Maester Craylen nods while writing the letter to lord Glover, hands it over first to Lyra for her signature and then Jaime signs the letter with his signature before maester Craylen marks it with Lyra's Stark seal.
"I'll have this sent away with one of my swiftest birds", maester Craylen says before getting up and excusing himself.
"Thank you", maester, Jaime says.
"Do you think lord Glover will accept me as husband to his daughter, father?" Gerion asks.
"Of course he will, you may not be my firstborn, but you are still of my blood and seed, you are still my son and a son of house Lannister and your mother's son, a son of house Stark, you were born in to two great houses of the realm", Jaime says. "Lord Glover would be a fool to deny you if you want to take his daughter to bride and she wants you, you are the son of the heir to Casterly Rock and the heiress to Winterfell."
"Your father is right, lord Glover is my father's banner man, my banner man, and a letter sent under my seal will not be overlooked, especially not if the meaning of the letter is to offer one of my sons to one of lord Glover's daughters, one of lord Jaime's and lady Lyra's sons, one of lord Tywin's and lord Benjen's grandsons", Lyra says. "The blood and seed of the union between the dire wolf' and the lion is strong."
"When you were born, we had offers of marriage from all houses of the Seven Kingdoms", Jaime says.

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