Chapter 150 - lion lords at the tourney

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Jaime and Lyra are preparing for the tourney at Casterly Rock for their son and heir, lord Daemon's name day.
"So tell me, husband, will you be in the tourney tomorrow?" Lyra asks Jaime as she washes him.
"I will, as will Gerion and Daemon", Jaime says.
"And Bronn?" Lyra asks.
"Bronn, in his position as captain of our household guard, will be my squire as usual, Will is going to be Daemon's squire as usual, he gets that position since he is Bronn's second in command, and Martyn will be Gerion's squire", Jaime says.
"Good, Bronn will serve you well, husband, as he always does, Will and Martyn will serve our sons well", Lyra says.
"And you will of course sit in our family's lounge with our daughters in-law, our grandchildren, our own other children, your ladies and our servants who will be coming with you to the tourney grounds", Jaime says.
"Will your lady mother and lord father be here?" Lyra asks as they hear someone walk in behind them.
"They will, lady Lyra", lord Tywin says, coming up behind his daughter in-law. "My lady wife and my second son are here too, as is your lady mother, lord father, siblings, cousins, lord uncle and lady aunt."
"Lord Tywin, lady Joanna, welcome", Lyra says.

Jaime gets up from the table, helps Lyra to get up, waving at his children, sitting among them, to get up and step forward to welcome their guests.

Lord Tywin steps aside and lets Lyra's father and mother step forward.
"Father! Mother! Welcome, we are so happy to see you all", Lyra says smiling.
"And me, m'lady?" Tyrion says, stepping forward, Lyra's cousin lady Sansa beside him with their three year old fosterling Jaime Targaryen, growing up as Jaime Lannister the younger together with their own children, two month old triplets Tyanne, Cerion and Aegon. "Here we have your nephews Cerion and Aegon and your niece Tyanne."
"Tyrion, you look well, marriage and fatherhood become you, welcome", Lyra says, giving her brother in-law a warm hug.
"Niece, you look well, motherhood and marriage becomes you, my dear", lord Eddard says, embracing his niece.
"Thank you, uncle, are Arya and Tommen here too?" Lyra asks.
"We are, cousin", Arya says, stepping forward with Jaime's own cousin beside her.
"You look well, dear cousin", Lyra says with a smile.
"As do you", Arya says, returning Lyra's smile.
"Are you expecting too, cousin?" Lyra asks, glancing at her cousin's stomach.
"Yes, me and my lord husband, your own lord husband's cousin, are expecting a child in five moons", Arya says.
"Such wonderful news", Jaime, coming up behind Lyra, says with a smile.
"I will have our servants ready rooms for you all", Lyra says.
"Thank you, cousin", Sansa says with a smile.

Lyra turns to some of the servants.
"Have rooms readied for our guests", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", the servants say.

The servants give lord Tyrion and lady Sansa his old rooms, lord Tywin and lady Joanna get the rooms next to the master's and mistress's chambers. Lord Tommen and lady Arya get the rooms next to Sansa and Tyrion.

Lord Eddard and lady Catelyn gets the rooms in between their daughters rooms. Lord Benjen and lady Ariella get the rooms next to the rooms given to their sons, daughters and nephews.

The next morning, Jaime wakes Lyra early.
"Good morning, wife", Jaime says, rolling over to give Lyra a kiss before getting out of the big bed, naked as his name day, his manhood hanging heavy between his legs as he walks over, opening the door and calling to their servants. "Bring hot water and oils, my lady wife will wash me."
"Good morning, husband", Lyra says, returning Jaime's kiss.
"It's Daemon's name day, I will be in the tourney today", Jaime says.
"Oh yes, have me and then I'll wash you", Lyra says, straddling Jaime as the servants fill the tub with hot water and oils for Jaime.
"Ride me as hard as you'll see me ride today", Jaime sighs.
"With pleasure, husband", Lyra says with a smile, taking Jaime's hands in hers as she rides him.

Jaime finishes inside Lyra and she gets off of him and washes herself while he washes himself. When they are finished, Jaime gets out of the tub before helping Lyra out of the tub.

They let their bodies dry in the air before helping each other in to small clothes, Lyra adding a cloth to mop up her moon blood before Jaime helps her in to a Lannister red dress with a clear petticoat under and her golden belt with a lion couple facing each other, symbolizing Jaime and herself.

Lyra helps Jaime into his armor with a pair of slim linen pants and a linen tunic under, with his Lannister cloak, sword belt. When they are dressed, Jaime calls for one of Lyra's handmaidens to come in and help his lady with her hair, makeup and to get her jewelry on.

While the handmaidens are helping Lyra, Jaime stands with his helmet under his arm, his hands resting lightly on the pommel of his sword. Jaime holds an arm out to Lyra and she takes his offered arm and they go to the great hall to break the fast before it's time for Jaime, Daemon and Gerion to go prepare for tourney with Bronn, Will and Martyn beside them, serving as their squires.

The three lords of house Lannister and their squires go to the stables to get their horses and then out to the tourney grounds. Lyra, the other ladies and the younger children go to find their places in the stands.
"Jaime is second, Daemon and Gerion are fourth and fifth, first is Jaime's cousin lord Lancel against your uncle Edmure Tully, Jaime is up against your brother Robb, Daemon is up against my brother Jon and Gerion is up against Jaime's cousin Tommen", Lyra says to her cousin.
"So your son is up against my lord husband?" Arya asks.
"Oh yes, that's right, I'm sure they will both do well", Lyra says.
"They surely will", Arya says.
"Look, there is lord Lancel and uncle Edmure", Sansa says as the two men ride out on to the tourney grounds.
"Your uncle is riding well, my father had planned to wed me to him when I was a girl, but he changed his mind on that when he realized that I only wanted Jaime", Lyra says.
"I remember, lord Benjen and my father wanted it to happen and my father sent Edmure to Winterfell to get to know you", lady Catelyn says.
"Yes, it ended with me having your lord brother a couple times, I didn't lay with him, all we did was touching and oral, no betrothal happened since I had already fallen madly in love with my Jaime at the time, he was at war with my father and my uncle at the time", Lyra says.
"But you knew that Jaime would live?" Lady Catelyn asks.
"I was sure that he would live, I made sure of it", Lyra says.
"Even though he was brought to Winterfell for you to do with as you wanted?" Lady Catelyn asks.
"I was the one torturing him and knew how to do it without killing him", Lyra says.
"The torturing of Edmure then?" Lady Catelyn asks.
"I beat him up but that's all that happened between us, beat him up and took him in my bed twice or thrice, I didn't have your brother inside me in ways that would break my maiden head, I had him orally and masturbated him", Lyra says lightly. "The only one man I've actually beaten up and had inside me, is my husband, because he enjoys it, he enjoys the torture because he is so used to being the one who can overpower anyone.
"I heard his late sweet sister tried a lot of things with him when she and her husband, lord Robert Baratheon were visiting Casterly Rock", lady Catelyn says.
"She did indeed, she tried to bed Jaime, tried framing him for the attempted murder of me and our firstborn child when I was expecting our son Daemon", Lyra says.
"Your uncle Eddard told me about that, he told me that Cersei tried to kill you and your firstborn and tried to frame your husband for it", lady Catelyn says.
"Cersei had a former servant girl, a servant girl who grew up at Casterly Rock as a childhood friend to Cersei, steal one of Jaime's knifes and plant it in our bed, our guard captain, Bronn, removed it and the servant girl was severely punished for it", Lyra says.
"Jaime and I both suspect that the servant girl might have been our sister's lover and not just her slave, that she took her in to her bed, to somehow pretend that she had Jaime in her bed", Tyrion says.
"I recognized the knife right away when I saw it in the bed", Lyra says. "I knew it was one of Jaime's knives, but I of course also knew that he wouldn't plant a knife in our bed."
"Of course he wouldn't, not Jaime, not to you, you're his wife, his beloved and the mother of his then unborn firstborn child", Tyrion says.
"I suspect that the girl who put the knife in our bed would have tried killing Jaime herself if he wasn't sentenced to death for the attempted murder, had he been sentenced for it, to get Cersei for herself", Lyra says.
"I fear that you're right, m'lady", Tyrion says.

Lyra and Tyrion cheer when they see Jaime enter the tourney grounds for the price ceremony as the winner of the melee. Daemon rides in beside him as the second place and the third place goes to Jaime's and Tyrion's cousin Lancel.

Tyrion and Lyra hold up one twin each, dancing around in the stands in celebration of Jaime's victory. Eleyna is holding up her and Daemon's children and dances around in the stands with her children in her arms.

Wylla is swaying on the spot with Cerenna in her arms.

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